Chapter 38

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When Hope runs out of the house, it just tears at my heart. I know she felt like I chose her Dads happiness over hers, but thats not it at all. I dont want to see her suffer. But I think it would hurt her relationship with him in the long run. Im thinking of her future. Our future. I want us to have a good relationship with her dad.

My wolf is ripping me apart inside my head. He is so angry that we let her run away from us. He is singularly focused on her. He doesnt consider the long term consequences. Maybe I should be more like my wolf.

Hopes Dad approaches me solemnly. I have no idea what he is thinking at this point. Does he want me to go after his daughter and protect her? Or does he want me to leave and never come back. My heart is racing franticly. All I want to do is run after her. But she asked me not to. Is she safe out there? She is so new. What if she gets lost, or stumbles upon a wild animal?

"Noah, I know you arent happy about my decision. But you understand where Im coming from, right?"  "Of course, I understand. But you have to realize that I dont completely agree with it. I want whats best for Hope, just as you do. But you dont yet appreciate how much she is truly suffering. Her wolf is controlling her right now. And her wolf doesnt care about societal norms or how things look to others. Her wolf acts on instinct. And her only instinct right now is to be with her mate. And mine is to protect my mate. So I have to do whatever it takes to keep her safe and happy. And if that means going against your wishes, I may just have to do that."

"I want to do as you say. I want to have a relationship with you in the future. A good one, for years to come. But right now, all I care about is Hopes feelings and safety. I have to go find her." I tell him as I start racing to the back door. "Noah, wait." He says as he follows me to the back door. "Just bring her home safely. We will deal with the rest later."

I change instantly into my wolf when I hit the back yard. I can sense which direction she went. I hope I find her quickly. I hate to think that shes upset with me. I follow her trail through the woods. She went the opposite direction from my place. I dont usually venture out that way much. Its a little more rugged and unexplored. She darted around a lot without any real destination in mind, it seems. After quite a journey, I get the strong feeling that Im close. I finally see her, sleeping peacefully by a stream. Thank God shes okay.

I sit down next to her and wrap my fluffy body around hers. She looks up into my eyes and then closes hers again. I guess she doesnt want to acknowledge me. She falls back asleep. I can wait. I will wait forever for her. I know shes exhausted from this long, painful day.

She finally wakes about an hour later. She raises her head and looks right at me. I can see the sadness in her eyes. I lick the top of her head. She puts her muzzle into my neck. Its a sign of affection. I hope that means she isnt mad at me anymore.

Then she stands, gets a drink of water, and changes back into her human form. She stays seated on a rock by the water. I change back too, so I can talk with her. "I decided you are right." I tell her quietly. She turns quickly to me with questioning eyes. "Our bond is more important than your Dads opinion. You are 18, a legal adult who can make your own choices. I dont think your Dad would do anything to harm you or me."

She stands and walks over to me. She wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest. I savor the tingles produced by her touch. I engulf her in my embrace as well. We stand there quietly, holding each other close.

Eventually, she lets go and takes my hand. "Maybe we can come to a compromise. You can mark me, but I stay at Mom and Dads, for now." She suggests. "That is a possibility. My wolf wont like it at all. But I think your wolf would be happier once she is marked. Maybe she will feel more content." "Well, we can give it a try. If he still disagrees, then I'm leaving my house and moving in with you guys, whether he likes it or not." She says with finality. Well, my queen has spoken, and that is what we will do.

"Alright. Lets go talk to your Dad." We head back to her house in human form. I want to be able to talk to her. "Hope, you know you mean the world to me. More than my job, more than my position in the pack, more than anything." I tell her. "Thank you Noah. I wasnt so sure about that a few hours ago." She confides. "I was just trying to make everyone happy. But I realized that the only one who matters is you." I stop walking and we face each other. I put my hand on her cheek. She closes her eyes. I lean in closer. Just an inch away from her lips. The place I have wanted to be for so long.

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