9. Regret

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Everything goes blurry. I feel Cora shaking you and everyones eyes on me.

R: 'Why?'

Y: 'Is Ashton rich?'

R: 'Yeah kind of, why?'

N: 'Explain please'

Y: 'So she was my first friend here, thought she was nice, shes a gold digger. She constantly asked about my parents and how much money and I had and she only hangs around with the rich kids. That's probably why she was seeing Ashton, were you guys good friends/bestfriends?'

R: 'We were close, yeah really close. She swapped dorms with Cleo, my old roommate, to be with Amber, so she was with me'

Y: 'She did the same thing to me, she got really close with me and then actually told me she used me for my money and to try get Josh cause she was crushing on him. Shes a gold digger of the highest order'

R: 'Ugh, ew, she can go with Ashton, they are welcome to each other'

She wipes her eyes with a tissue.

Y: 'Ugh someone needs to teach her a lesson once and for all, and I think I know exactly how to do it'

N: 'We are all ears miss girl'

I giggle and shake your head.

Y: 'No, no, let me deal with her, you guys just focus on making her feel better'

I point at Rihanna and smile.

D: 'Dam ok queen, come straight back here though,'

I nod and leave. I quickly go back to the apartment and go into a secret draw at the back of my wardrobe. I take out a black mask that comes my entire face apart from my eyes and grab a black hoodie zip up hoodie. I grab a pair of black Jean's and put on some contact lenses to change my eye colour. I put my hair in a bun to cover it all with a mask and paint my nails white. I put makeup over all the visible freckles on my arms and around my eyes and go. I grab a pair of black boots and go.
I take my car and park it outside the dorms. I take off the face mask so to not look suspicious and go into the dorm building.

I message Rihanna what Ashtons dorm building and number he is and she messages straight back. I turn my phone on silent and take off the case. I change the password and lockscreen so im totally unrecognizable. I go up to their dorm and peek through the keyhole. I see Mia sat on her bed looking through her phone and Ashton isnt there. I use a hair clip to unlock the door and creep in. I hide behind a wall and Mia looks up at the open door. As she comes round the corner you punch her in the face and she falls back. She hits her head on the side if a cabinet, knocking her out and suddenly feel a snap in my wrist.

It sends a pain through my body as I run. I bite my lip not to cry. I run to my car and look at my wrist and its bent 30 degrees the wrong way. My jaw drops and I swear. I change back into my clothes I was wearing and remember CCTV. I remember that the security team is one lunch break and no ones watching the CCTV. I sigh with relief and go back to Rihannas dorm. I go inside and hold my wrist.

Everyones jaw drops and a tear falls.

Y: 'Anyone got first aid?'

Danny gets up and grabs bandages and the first aid kit. He sits me down and looks at my wrist.

D: 'Shit you've broken your wrist, wht the fuck did you do?!'

Y: 'S-so I went to A-Ashtons dorm a-and Mia was I-it there so I h-hit her round the head a-and she fell back a-and hit her h-head on the c-cabinet,'

Everyones jaw drops. I then scream as Danny pushes my wrist back into place.

D: 'Sorry Blair, it was that or I shove it back, dont worry I'm studying medical stuff here so it's not like I'm winging it. This is great practise though'

I giggle.

Y: 'Its fine, t-thanks,'

D: 'This might hurt but I'm gonna put cream on your wrist now'

I nod and turn away. Its hurts at first but then gets slightly better as he rubs it in. He wraps bandages all over my wrist and smiles.

D: 'There you go, how does that feel?'

Y: 'Better, thanks Danny'

He smiles and I sit down.

N: 'What about the CCTV?!

Y: 'Oh dont worry about that, no one saw me and plus, all the security team is on their lunch break. Plus I went back home to make sure I wasnt recognised. I painted my nails quickly, pit my hair up in a style I hate doing, wore a full face mask and covered all my arm freckled with makeup, plus my car was parked several streets away'

C: 'Dam a smooth criminal'

We all giggle. We end up talking all afternoon, doing each others makeup (I borrowed Coras since that was the closest skin shade to yours), watched movies, did Tiktoks, and ate.

R: 'Why dont you guys stay over for a sleepover?'

G: 'What about clothes?'

R: 'You guys can borrow some of mine,'

N: 'We can all just cuddle up toegther, that will be fun'

Wd all agree and nod.

Y: 'Ew I still have stains on me from the sticky door, I'm gonna go home and shower,'

R: 'You can use mine if you want?'

Y: 'I have to use special shower stuff cause my skin reacts badly to most types, but thanks for the offer'

R: 'Aw ok, come straight back when your done though, no sleeping with Josh'

I burst out laughing and shake my head. I get up and go back to my car. I smile and drive back to the apartment. I open the door and Josh is stood by the door on his phone.

Y: 'Strange place to stand in the apartment,'

He looks up at me and smiles.

J: 'Thought you were at Rihannas place'

Y: 'Came back for a shower'

J: 'Why didnt you shower there then?'

Y: 'Cause I wanted my own pjs instead of borrowing someone else's! Why you so mad that I came back?'

Josh laughs.

J: 'Trust me, I'm not mad,'

I smile and go into your bathroom. I take off your clothes and stand there in just a bra and underwear. I feel a hand on your waits and you look down and realise its Josh's. I feel a kiss on my neck and it sends shivers down my spine. I turn slightly to him and hes staring at me.

Y: 'What?'

J: 'Your so dam cute'

I blush slightly and smile.

Y: 'Does that explain why your in here, kissing my neck?'

J: 'Oh come on Blair, I know you want me'

Y: 'No I dont, now let me shower in peace'

I try push him but he grabs my hand and pulls me into him. I feel a slight throbbing feeling down there and feel my thong get increasingly wet. I accidentally touch his abs and I stop. I look up at him and he raises an eyebrow and smirks. He bends down slightly to me and his smirk increases.

J: 'If you didnt want me,'

He puts a hand down and puts it between my thighs. I look down then look back up at him.

J: 'Then why are you so wet hmm?'

Hi guys, the next chapters gonna be getting to know the characters more, like describing them etc. The one after that will continue from this one, stay safe xx

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