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The next day during Lunch, Shea sat next to Garrett, and not another word was spoken on the matter. It was an uneasy peace, where it felt as though the entire team was watching him. Shea felt like the team made it their mission to see that he was never out of sight. Mostly that fell to Garrett, who took to walking Shea to all of his classes, and holding him up after any practice until the students were all gone. In all honesty Shea found he enjoyed Garrett's company, but he didn't understand why anyone cared who he chose to be friends with, yet they did. Shea was no longer permitted to speak to Simon at all, so he merely had to sit from afar and watch Simon sit alone, brushing off any waves or gestures of affection.

"New boy." Garrett came up beside Shea as he always did. "How're we doing today?"

"Fine." Shea rolled his eyes. He had been hoping for a moment alone. "Listen, I'm not going to break Asher's rules, you don't have to babysit me." Shea rolled his eyes. "You can go sit with your real friends."

"I'm not babysitting you. I wanted to talk to you." Garrett's brows furrowed. "I feel like you don't like me."

"I mean...I don't." Shea stated plainly. "I really don't like Asher, and you're just one of his sycophants."

"I-" Garrett began, then stopped. "I don't know what that word means."

"It means you're a follower." Shea spat.

"But you don't even know me."

"Well-" Shea began.

"So does that make you judgmental?" Garrett prodded back.

"Garrett, I'm..." Shea turned, but couldn't bring himself to apologize. "I suppose we both kinda suck then, don't we."

"It's not so bad. You get used to it." Garrett smiled numbly. "See that girl?" Garrett pointed to a girl in a grey sweater.


"Asked her out yesterday." Garrett grinned.

"Really? And did you get shot down." Shea asked, noticing the pattern.

"Naw, I got her number." Garrett's smile grew impossibly wider. "We're going out, Saturday."

"That's amazing, Garrett... how come you told me first?"

"I'm nervous to tell the rest of the guys, in case it doesn't go well." Garrett rubbed the back of his neck with his massive hand. Asher was taller than Garrett, but Garrett was bigger. He had more meat on his bones, and was more muscular as well. "Besides, I like you."

"But I just called you a syco... a follower."

"I've been called worse. Besides, most people just call me stupid, at least you thought of a good word to use." Garrett chuckled.

"Who calls you stupid?"

"Asher, and all the guys. I think that's why they laugh at my stories so much.. you know, 'poor stupid Garrett always messing shit up' I guess I just roll with it most of the time, though." Garrett explained.

"You're surprising, Garrett." Shea's brows furrowed.

"Thanks. You're not."


"Asher?" Shea worked up the courage to ask during practice, as the two boys worked on push ups together. They'd become unlikely partners, being that Shea was one of the only boys that could match Asher's speed.

"Grh?" Asher grunted as he went down into his push up.

"What is it about...about Simon that makes you so..." Shea struggled to catch his breath.

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