22. You'll die of heatstroke

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I found a summer purple dress in my suitcase and had pulled it on. It's warm in Spain and I'm so excited that I can feel myself sweat already. A knock on my hotel door made me hurry over to grab my purse and open the door for Rylan. I frowned as she stands in front of me in her black security guard suite. 

"You can't wear that. You'll burn up," I said and took her hand into mine to lead her back to her door. 

"I'm working," She said, but I reached out my hand for her to hand me the key.

"I don't care," I stood my ground. Rylan let out a sigh as she gave me the key to her room. 

"Thank you," I pulled her back into the room and searched for her suitcase. 

"Don't you have something much lighter than what you are wearing?" I asked and as much as she didn't want to, she still went over to her suitcase to open it. She pulled out a few pieces of clothing and placed them neatly onto the bed. I bite my lip as there weren't many options. A military green long-sleeved t-shirt, a tank top with the same color and a pair of sandy cargo pants. 

"Okay," I said as I picked up the tank top and the cargo pants. 

"I can't wear that,"  She said as she took a step back from me. 

"Rylan, you can't wear a suit in this heat. You'll die of heatstroke," I explained and she stood in silence as she gazed at the clothes in my hands for a long moment. She clenched her jaw and started to pull off the jacket of her suit. Then laid it nicely over the back of the chair. As if she had to force herself, she took the clothes out of my hands and went into the bathroom. 

I stood up on the way to knock on the bathroom door as it's been forever since Rylan went in there. However, before I could take a step, she came out with her whole face screaming of discomfort as she paced over to the bed to grab her stuff and sunglasses. 

"Let's go," She said as she had noticed the sad look on my face. Now I know why she didn't want to wear the tank top. The scars on her the side of her face are not the only ones, but these are different. They appear to be burnt scars on almost her whole arm. 

"Sure," I followed her out of the room and down the hallway inside the elevator. 

"I'm sorry," I breathed out, but she didn't meet my gaze. 

"I didn't know that," 

"It's fine," She interrupted me as this is a sensitive topic for her. 

"If you aren't comfortable with going out, Rylan, we can stay," 

"I'm fine," She almost lashed out at me and I nodded as I was too scared to say another word. The elevator came to a stop and I followed after Rylan in quietness. 


We sat down around a fountain for a break from the heat as the cool water brings along a small breeze behind us. When we left the hotel, the first thing we did was go into a shop to get some suncream for us, but mainly for Rylan's arm.  Like me, she struggles with the warmth as well. I knew if she wore the suit, she would have passed out by now. Yet, I can't stop the guilt that rises in my chest every time someone stares at the scars on her arm. When did I become so thoughtful for others? 

Children run past us and into the fountain with their angry mother on the trail. I smiled as they splashed water onto each other. The mother stopped and spoke a few Spanish words to herself as she appears to be upset with her children's behavior. I find it funnier than anything. Children should be children. It's their job to explore the world and learn how it functions. 

I close my eyes to enjoy the sounds of birds singing, kids laughing, and humans shouting. It's such a fantastic feeling. A sort of happiness to be surrendered with so many people and to observe them. 

I turn to face Rylan, who seems to have relaxed in her seat next to me. She gazes around herself as well to take in the culture. I look down at her uninjured arm and notice how the muscles dominate underneath her skin. She has trained most of her life to be in the military, so of course, she has to be powerful. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed to sit next to someone who is so perfectly toned as I'm a bit more curved or if I should be safe. Perhaps it's not about being embarrassed or safe, but her being attractive. I shook my head to get the thought out and Rylan turned dumbfounded to me. 

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm more than okay," I grinned.

"You want some ice cream?" I asked as I pointed at the man in the truck. 

"Sure," she shrugged and with a smile, I shoot right up onto my feet. On my way, I looked to my side and saw that I was alone. I gazed back at Rylan, who sat seated still with the fountain. She's staring at me and I at her as I wait for her to come to my side, but she never moved an inch. I mentally shrugged to myself and went over to the truck to order. I asked for a strawberry ice cream and realized that Rylan never told me what she wanted as I expected her to come along with me. I bite my lip in thought as I turned to look at her and it's like her gaze never left me. 

When I got the ice crames, I went back to Rylan and gave her the chocolate one and she gladly accepted it.

"Why didn't you go along with me?" I asked and took a bite of the cold sweet ice cream. 

"You didn't need me," she shrugged as she used her spoon to play around in her ice cream before she brought it to her mouth. I looked her up and down as I couldn't pull my eyes off how relaxed and how normal she is at this very moment. The laid-back attitude is pleasant for a change and the clothes she's wearing cling to her so nicely as if they are meant only for her. 

"What?" Rylan asked and I brought my eyes away from her. 

"Nothing," I smiled as I picked on my ice cream. 

"It's just," I stopped myself and watched her again as I wasn't sure what I was going to say.

"You are very kind, soldier and I appreciate this," I grinned at her, but sadness crossed my heart as I remember that we have to go back to normal again once we come back home. It was something I really wanted not long ago, but now at this moment with Rylan, I wish I could paint a picture to make it last.

"Thank you," I said as she didn't say a word. 

"You don't have to thank me," She replied and I rolled my eyes. I stood up and placed a kiss on Rylan's cheek before I went over to the trash can to throw my empty cup of ice cream. 

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