~Chapter 32~

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I was hunched over on my couch with a bated breath while staring into Ms. Maxwell's emotionless green pools. Skye was sitting right next to me, leaning his forearms on his knees.

He had texted me earlier, in the morning, that he wanted me to meet Ms. Maxwell to plan out how to catch this 'Kyle M.' guy. The news about Skye and her not working for ZAE Inc. anymore was still under wraps from the media.

It was also Skye's idea that we meet at my place today because the paparazzi have lost their interest in a curly haired Valerie Jones after they discovered this "enigmatic April Glow". Honestly, I was quite relieved from their judgemental attention. However, the same couldn't be said about Skye's mansion because it's still swamped by the media cameras from morning to evening. Though it's stopped as soon as the clock strikes 6 pm as his security team clears the entire block. I came to know all of this from Skye yesterday.

Not only this but Skye, like the sweet guy he is, also informed me that Ms. Maxwell's apartment's a no go since she has suspicions of being watched. That thought in itself gave me the chills but she didn't seem so fazed by it.

"You thought that it was me." That was the first thing she uttered and I visibly blanched. Her lips were slightly curved up in amusement.

Instinctively, I looked at Skye with wide eyes because I thought that he ratted me out but he just shook his head with a small smile. I turned back to Ms. Maxwell slowly with a sheepish face. "I…"

"Nope, Skye didn't tell me. Not exactly, I mean, but yeah. I can just see it on your face," she said and I had to remind myself to breathe again. A few weeks without her and I almost forgot her uncanny abilities. "I've been a senior content editor for 25 years now and I've seen all kinds of people with all kinds of emotions playing on their faces. Guilt being one of them which is clearly shining in your eyes right now," she explained in her usual croaky voice.

A nervous chuckle escaped my lips and my eyes darted everywhere around me but her. "I am - I am sorry," I apologized, embarrassed.

"Don't apologize. To be honest, I am quite used to it all. You think I don't know that my employees used to call me "shark" behind my back. It's just that I don't care or maybe I love the endearment. I mean it's always better than being termed as a "rat". Anyway, I understand your suspicions because I had to fire you. So it's a given that I would rank high on your suspect list," she told me, not in the least bit sounding or seeming offended.

Clearing my throat, I played with my fingers. "Um… I didn't mean to. It's just that everything was pointing at you…" I've never been so nervous in my entire life. Not even when I had punched a guy in his face because for one, I was learning taekwondo and two, he was literally grating my nerves. Later that day, I was called inside the principal's office. Now that I think about it, nobody could make me as nervous as Ms. Maxwell herself did.

I felt Skye's comforting arm around my shoulder, pushing me closer to his warm body. For some reason, I was scared of Ms. Maxwell's scrutinizing stare so I gave her a sidelong glance. I was surprised though when she stared at us with an impassive countenance.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing? I asked myself silently.

Sensing my discomfort, Skye even started rubbing his hand on mine soothingly and I instantly relaxed in his arms. He didn't even know what he was doing to my body because I could literally feel the tingles everywhere he was touching me.

"So who do you think is behind all this, Kathy?" Skye asked her while I couldn't hide my astonishment. Looking up at Ms. Maxwell, I realized that she was used to it. Their relationship is tighter than I thought.

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