14. Never Ever Getting Back Together

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Chapter 14 – "Never Ever Getting Back Together"

The Last Time – Taylor Swift ft. Gary Lightbody

Ethan's POV

"So boys, who are we going to the prom with?"

Jake – who was lying down near the foot of the bed, throwing a basketball aimlessly into the air and catching it – looked down at me, "I'm thinking Sandra Brighton from our American History class." He smirked, "But I'm keeping Trisha from Math and Deena from Art on my list of potentials."

Russo, seated near Jake's head, rolled his eyes at Jake's player mentality and rested them on me, "I'm taking-"

"Lucy Lui?" Jake interjected.

"That's racist, Jake." He commented, rolling his eyes once more before shifting his gaze back to me, "I'm thinking of taking Harriett."

Jake shifted to meet his eyes – or more so the side of his head, "Volley-ball, man eater Harriett?"

"Well, when you put it like that..."

I huffed, "Dude, she's going to eat you alive."

He smirked, "Then I'm definitely taking her."

I snorted and threw a pillow playfully in his direction, "You slut!"

He caught it and grinned, placing it in his lap, "I'm just trying to lose the V-card like any other self-respecting male."

Jake hooted, "I say go for it dude. Your handsome, cute, you've got these amazing eyes."

"Is that an Asian joke?" Russo quipped.

Jake waited a beat. "Yes." He said. "But a wholesome one."

Russo snorted and Jake's eyes turned to me next. "So, what are you and Spence doing for Prom?"

I shrugged, "I have no idea. I'm all out of romantic, overly cheesy date ideas."

"Maybe if you screwed up less often then you'd still have some left in the bank." Russo commented to the agreement of Jake.

"It's not my fault I'm an idiot." I retorted, "Blame the questionable parental skills of my parents and the failing educational system."

Russo blinked, "I'm a straight A student."

Jake huffed animatedly, "Calm your shit Russo, ain't everyone got Asian brain like you."

Russo crashed head first into the pillow, "Why am I friends with you people?" he said, sounding muffled against it.

"Knock-knock?" a voice called from outside my door, pushing it in a bit when I said they could come in. Mom's head – brunette bangs in all – poked its way in with a little smile plastered on her face, "Hey boys." She hummed. Both the boys looked over to her and offered their pleasantries while I simply waited for her to continue, "Ethan, your father and I are going out for a hot night on the town."

"It's five in the afternoon."

"Sorry for getting old." She commented, "We won't be back for a couple of hours so pizza is in the fridge, our numbers are on the coffee table and no pot."

My eyes slightly widened, "We don't smoke pot, mom."

She blinked and looked around the room, "Really?" she questioned, "According to Parent Weekly, either you're smoking pot or doing something called circle jerking?"

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