13. A tiny ass cupboard

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For the second night in a row, I found myself hiding behind a bush outside. It was about 10:40pm and June and I were on the mission to retrieve my bra off the statue. 

"Does this remind you of the Hunger Games?" June asked quietly.

I took my gaze away from the fountain in front of us and glanced at her. "What?"

"The cornucopia scene."

I took in the two boys hiding behind one of the buses on the opposite side of the fountain. "Yes. Yes it does," I replied.

June fidgeted. "I can't believe Griffin sent two randos to do his dirty business."

"Right!" My phone vibrated and I unlocked it to see what Noah had just texted me.

Griffin just left the dorm. Want me to follow him?

Ahhh. We should be able to handle him I think. Thanks though.


I turned off my phone. "We have a slight problem."

June tapped my shoulder. "Bigger than the one happening right now?"

I looked over the bush and my eyes widened at the sight of a man now walking across the driveway towards the fountain. "Oh no."

"He's the school's cleaner." June whispered. "I guess the school finally had enough of your bra decorating their star fountain."

"I guess so."

We stayed silent as the cleaner climbed up onto the fountain and took down the bra with a shake of his head. He then began walking back to the building. "Stupid children," he muttered as he passed our hiding spot.

We waited a few minutes and then the two guys emerged from behind the bus and followed the cleaner inside.

"The one positive that came out of this is that we don't have the chance to find out what Griffin was planning to do to us out here." I stood up. "Let's follow them."

June and I slipped into the school through the door and began following the guys at a distance with our torches pointed firmly at the ground. "How on earth are we gonna get the bra back?" June asked. "The cleaner's most likely going to put it in the cleaning cupboard which is always locked."

I raised my eyebrows. "How do you know that?"

"I was looking for a mop earlier."

We made it down a few dark corridors then rounded the corner only to be suddenly blinded by a torch light turning on. "Jackson thought he saw you two in the bushes." There before us was Griffin and the other two guys standing in the middle of a corridor crossroads. Griffin smirked and continued shining his torch in my face. "I knew you'd try and get your bra back."

"I will get it back," I corrected him, shielding my eyes. 

Griffin slowly smiled. "Of cour—"

The sound of a door closing echoed down the corridor to our right. 

"Did you hear that?" One of the guys said suddenly. 

June rolled her eyes. "You'd have to be deaf not too."

"Torches off," I hissed and a few seconds later we were standing in darkness. I strained my ears trying to work out what the person was doing.

Footsteps. And by their increasing loudness they were coming straight towards us. 

Jackson and the other guy looked at each other then bolted back the way we came without saying a word.

Griffin frowned. "Not sure about you two but I don't want to get stuck outside or caught. A prank is not worth getting sent home."

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