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Chapter 32

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I scowled at the Stronghold in the distance.

Nina glanced through the truck's back window. "How are you holding up?"

In the rearview mirror, Daniel's eyes flickered to me, then back to the road as he continued driving to our first stop. With the way I detested crowds, it wasn't exactly a secret I wasn't looking forward to entering these strange Strongholds. I understood the necessity of this trip, but I'd never be someone who loved meeting strangers. Especially nowadays when strangers rarely liked meeting zombies.

"I seriously hope this doesn't turn out to be a mistake," I said. This was going to be the third Stronghold I'd ever entered. My mind kept revolving around the first time I had gone inside a fence, only to be double-crossed, ambushed, and shot. The memories weren't sitting well with me.

Nicky gazed at the sky and idly commented, "I never make the same mistake twice. I make it at least five or six times just to be sure it's actually a mistake." She turned her head to look at me, and in a more serious tone, added, "If any of these places try to kill you, I'll help you burn them to the ground."

I blinked slowly. "Thank you, I think..."

"Our first two stops don't mind sane zombies," Nina reassured me. "Daniel and I have stopped here a couple of times."

"Do any of these places know you're a scientist?" I asked.

"No, but the closest ones know Ironwind is doing some sort of research for a potential cure or vaccine."

"Then let's hope the crowd waiting for us doesn't panic when they hear the third wave might be coming early."

In a meditative voice, Nicky said, "I wonder how many anti-vaccinators might still be around. I heard they made up a decent portion of the surviving population after the initial outbreak."

"I'm not sure," Nina replied, making a face. "All we can do is offer the cure or sanity serum. If they choose to wait until they start sneezing, then that's their choice. Anyone who's exposed will know Ironwind has more vials of the cure."

Nicky sat up. "So, let me get this straight. You don't want them to know you're a scientist. Trinity prefers to keep her zombie status a secret. They have no idea about the lab, and we're allowed to tell them Ironwind and a few other places are now making a cure?"

"That's correct," Nina replied.

"So that leaves me and Daniel as the honest ones?" Nicky shook her head. "Wow. No wonder Trinity is expecting something to happen."

Daniel looked at me in the mirror again. "If I have trouble tracking someone down, can I ask for your help? Or are you completely against them finding out you're a zombie? They know I'm a Terror, so a second zombie shouldn't rattle them too much."

I sighed heavily in annoyance. "If it's necessary, I guess I can help. But you had better give it your best shot first."

He nodded. "I will. Thanks."

Why did I have a feeling I'd be regretting that offer? There wasn't time to mull over the possible consequences since we were rapidly approaching the small crowd waiting for us by the gate. From the number of weapons present, they weren't expecting company. Lovely. Nothing says "Welcoming Committee" like the possibility of being attacked as soon as we're within range.

I had a feeling this trip was going to bring out my sarcasm in a rather unfortunate way.

Fortunately, at least one person recognized Daniel or Nina as we got closer. The bows and guns were lowered, and most of the people left once they realized a potential attack wasn't imminent.

The Virus Within: Third Wave (Book 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu