Chapter 26...

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Pic on side of Layla's outfit. I absolutely love it! ————————->

(This no youtube thing is pissing my off because I had the perfect song to fit it! :( )


Layla's POV

The rest of my date with Alex was great. We talked about everything and I couldn't stop laughing at his stories. The night had gone by fast and before I knew it Alex was walking me to my door. I loved his company and I felt like a totally different person when I was with him, but of course all night I couldn't stop comparing him to Ashton. From the way he talked, his gestures, to even how his body looked compared to Ashton's. Ashton had this hold on my brain that I couldn't shake and it was starting to pissed me off. I couldn't go one second without thinking of his blue eyes or that smirk he likes to use.

I had forced all of the thoughts about him to the back of my mind the whole night but the moment Alex left they came rushing back like a tidal wave. As I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling I couldn't help but wonder if Ashton was thinking about me to or about Natasha. Even just thinking her name made me bitter. She was everything I wasn't. I knew Ashton should be with her since they would make a great couple but just thinking of them together made my blood boil. Yes I was going insane. After everything that Ashton had put me through I still like him, its pathetic but I couldn't stop. I was the addict and he was the drug.

Ungrateful. That was one word that kept flashing through my mind ever since Alex left. Here I am with a sweet, caring, hot guy who would be perfect for me, and who I already agreed to go on another date with. And just a few hours after I went on a 'dinner date' with I am thinking of another guy. A guy who doesn't want anything to do with me, who hurts me at almost every corner, who is my boss, and who is probably not good for me. But I have seen the side that no one else has; a loving, care, and broken guy. I liked who I was with Alex even though it kind of felt like he was treating me like I was fragile. But I also liked how I felt with Ashton, he made my skin tingle and my heart beat fast; sure we argued but I liked that.

Wow Layla. You have just dug a hole for yourself.

I spent the whole night tossing and turning thinking about both guys. I went to work feeling just as confused as I was last night. Work was uneventful and boring. I had't seen Ashton at all and I was glad. I didn't know what I was feeling at the moment and I knew seeing him would make it just as hard. I was distracted all day and I couldn't have been happier when 5 o'clock hit and I could go home. As I took a taxi home I made the dangerous decision to bring Kacey into this. I need her opinion and I was tired of dealing with it on my own. She didn't know about Alex and I wasn't looking forward to her reaction at such news being kept from her.

Fortunately when I got home Kacey wasn't there yet so I had time to go over what I was going to say. It is sad that I am more scared of my friend than I am with basically anything else. I changed my clothes and was staring at the tv mindlessly waiting for Kacey. About an hour after I got home I heard the keys in the door and starting bracing myself for my upcoming speech.

"Oh good your home. I have had the longest day of my life I swear." Kacey said seeing me on the couch and setting her things down. With her stuff thrown carelessly on the ground by the door she jumped on the couch. I honestly didn't know much about Kay's job but I knew she was under the director at Vogue. She did something with helping make clothes or something rather. Man I really am a terrible best friend, I know nothing about my best friends job or even what's going on with her life. I've been so caught up in mine that I haven't been around for Kacey.

"What happened?" I asked. From now on I need to be a better friend to her.

"My boss didn't like any of the designs me and the other designers made so we have to redo all of it. All 30 something of the winter line needs to be re-designed in 2 weeks for the next issue." Kacey said.

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