Chapter 1 - Mute

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Midoriya didn't know how it happened. Well, that's not true. He knew how it happened, he just couldn't remember the exact moment. He'd been so busy focussing on the thief that was getting away that he hadn't realized their accomplice was there too. They must've touched him or something, that was the only explanation. Because now the thief and their accomplice were in handcuffs and Endeavor was glaring him down, waiting for answers he wasn't able to give.

He could open his mouth all he wanted, but no sound came out. Was it a silencing quirk? A quirk that made him unable to talk about a certain subject? He glanced aside at Todoroki, trying to say something that didn't involve these criminals. Something random, like the weather or something about their schoolwork, but nothing came out. Just a small choked out sound and that was it. So maybe it wasn't a silencing quirk... Maybe it was more of a mute quirk, making him unable to speak in general.

"Why the hell are you gaping like a damn fish, Deku?" Bakugou grunted, fed up with this whole situation. It was the first time Endeavor let them handle something on their own and he wasn't even able to fight properly! No, he'd been the one to stay behind at the store to make sure all the civilians were okay because Icyhot had ran off the moment Deku went after the thief! So fucking annoying!

"I think one of those thieves hit him with their quirk" Todoroki said, now looking at the green head.
"I saw one of them touch your arm when you went in for the kick on the other one"
I wasn't able to save you. Midoriya blinked, the sound of Todoroki's voice resonating within him.
"Ugh, great" Bakugou muttered. First time flamebrain lets us handle things and Deku already fucks shit up. We're never gonna get our hands on a villain at this rate.

Izuku frowned. He knew he screwed things up, but he was sure Kacchan's lips weren't moving when he said that. Yet his voice had been crystal clear. Was that another side effect of the quirk..?
"We have the two of them in custody, so we'll find out soon enough" Endeavor stated, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at the three students.
"You three return to the agency for now to get checked out by the medical team"

I'm not risking sending them back to UA until we know what's wrong. Eraserhead would kill me.

Izuku blinked again, getting pulled out of his confused daze as Todoroki tugged him along. The three of them ended up racing back to the agency, but Izuku got distracted by Kacchan's self-depriving commentary in his mind. I should've made half-n-half stay at the fucking store! I was absolutely useless! I wasn't able to do anything! Izuku had never heard him like that before... Todoroki didn't seem bothered by it, so Izuku wasn't sure whether or not he was hearing this.

Deku got hit because of me!

Izuku's eyes widened and he missed his step, causing him to tumble and fall, sliding across the concrete of the road as his quirk died down. He could barely feel the pain though, his mind still wrapping itself around what Kacchan just said. It wasn't Kacchan's fault he got hit! He wasn't even at the scene, there was no way he could've prevented it! Besides, it was his own fault for being so reckless and not assessing his surroundings better...

"Are you okay Midoriya? What happened?" Todoroki asked, quickly turning around to make sure his friend was okay. It's been a while since he misjudged his power output. I hope he isn't losing control over his quirk again. Things would get messy with this many civilians around. There it was again. Hearing them talk without seeing their lips move.
Izuku nodded, trying to wave it off. He needed to figure out what this quirk was and how it worked because this definitely wasn't your ordinary mute quirk.

"He can't talk, in case you forgot half-n-half" Bakugou grunted, now also standing still, scowling at them from up ahead. Not like that idiot would admit it if he got hurt anyway.
"Come on, move it! I don't wanna stand here all day!"
"Are you sure you're okay?" Todoroki asked one last time, to which Izuku nodded, before the three of them continued on their way to the agency, none of them racing anymore.

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