Chp. 9

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I felt the burning in my calves, noticing the tiny mist of sweat on my forehead as I watched myself and the other dancers in the mirror. I was allowing the music to overtake my mind and body as we continued to run through our dances one last time. Everything was coming along great, all the steps and the movements were tight and practiced. I was growing more and more excited for the Recital this Saturday, we just had to suffer through dress rehearsal tomorrow and then wait twenty-four hours for the show.

The song ended and I found myself extremely satisfied with our rehearsal today. Everyone was here, including the guys because I had wanted to rehearse Freakshow before tomorrow. Excitement was in the air and they all knew we had looked great.

As I dismissed them they seemed to linger, talking about the recital in a few days as the anticipation got to them. I began packing up as Maria approached me, "So how are you feeling about everything?"

I stood, slinging my bag over my shoulder, "I feel really good, actually. Everything looks awesome."

She bounced next to me, "I'm so excited."

I rolled my eyes, "I am too... except over dress rehearsal but..."

Maria nudged me, "Oh it won't be that bad."

"It's always that bad."

"I know," she answered, causing a laugh to be exchanged between the both of us.

We walked out of the studio and down the stairs, seeing Drew wiping down a machine. I felt Maria nudge me, "How have you and Drew been?"

I smiled at the question, honestly thinking that we had been doing fantastic since Friday. Taking things slow was hard but I was constantly telling myself that it was going to be worth it. This was something new for us, and if I wanted Drew to be comfortable with me it was going to take time. I didn't know how much time, but that was okay.

I nodded, "Great actually, what about you and Demarcus?"

I looked over to her and watched her cheeks redden, which could only mean one thing. She just nodded and barely answered, "Great."

"You did it, didn't you?"

"Did what?"

I hissed while grabbing her arm, "You gave it up?!"

She put her hand over my mouth while laughing, pinching me in the process, "Bree don't judge me okay."

I laughed, actually a bit jealous of my best friend. I was dying to take it further with Drew, and keeping my boundaries proved to be more difficult than I had initially expected. She could be so alluring at times, and those looks she gave me... just thinking about it made me antsy.

I shook my head, "I would never."

She gave me a dry look before continuing, "I actually like him, a lot."

If I Fall (GirlXGirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora