1441 - 1450

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1441. Human life is far more important than just getting to the top of a mountain.

-Edmund Hillary

1442. Emotions like Anger can make people physically sick.Anger increases the long-term risk of heart attacks and strokes and weakens the immunity system.

1443. The type of music we listen, affects the way we perceive the world.'

1444. The type of music we prefer relates to our personality.

1445. We like to listen music's that match our emotional states because the music provides emotional validation and are therapeutic.

1446. Bigger the challenge, Stronger the drive.It is a proven fact that when you are faced with a bigger challenge, your drive to do it and do it better becomes stronger too.

1447. When you're singing, it's almost impossible to think about other things-the challenges of daily life like distraction from other thoughts, issues, or burdens. Singing brings respite and refocus.

1448. Laughter is contagious FOR REAL, as your brain prepares your facial muscles for it upon hearing someone else laughing.

1449. Believe in life! Always human beings will live and progress to greater, broader, and fuller life.

-W. E. B. Du Bois

1450. Some researchers fear that technology, particularly social networking, is creating emotional disconnection rather than connection.

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