07. Be Cool

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Mom constructed a grocery list, checking the refrigerator and pantry for anything she'd missed. Grayson was set to arrive any minute now. With her favorite son returning, she had to cook a grand feast of all his favorites. Beef stroganoff and stuffed peppers and Mom's lemon cake. It was a weird combination, but what Gray wanted, Gray got.

She handed the list to me, the servant tasked with making sure Grayson's dinner goes off without a hitch. As if he wasn't in this very house with a list of chores of own just two months ago. Now, when he came, he was treated like a king.

Liah was waiting out in her car, practicing her lines, or rather, her song. An instrumental played over the speakers, the same one I'd heard a million times that week when working on the sets. Then, I had headphones to drown out the music. If Mom wasn't rushing me, I wouldn't have forgotten to grab them.

My best friend had a beautiful voice but if I have to hear her sing that song again, I'd scream. Thankfully, she changed the music before she pulled off towards the store.

• • •

The grocery store was decked out for fall and Halloween. Garland of fake leaves and pumpkins decorated every shelf. Cut-outs of ghost and vampires advertising candy were around every corner. There was a table giving out samples of pumpkin spice bread that Liah and I graciously accepted.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Guess what we're doing for Halloween!" She was practically bouncing down the aisles, a wide grin across her face.

"Going to school?" I said around a mouth full of bread. Halloween was a Tuesday. Which meant teachers in costume. Was there anything scarier than your math teacher dressed up as Nicki Minaj? No. No, there wasn't.

"After that."


She heaved a sigh. "I really hate you sometimes."

"False," I shot back, grabbing some lemon cake mix and dropping it in the cart. "And I don't like guessing games."

"It's Myisha's birthday and her parents rented out the bowling alley for the night," she told me. "Everyone working on the musical is invited."

Everyone meant Corey. It'd been days since what I was now calling The Incident. Then I met you. When I played the moment over in my head, the gymnast butterflies in my belly got all worked up. I didn't like it.

I didn't like Corey. He was being unexpectedly sweet about Gray. Then he said that thing and some wires got crossed. That's it. Not a crush. Just a moment of confusion.

"Annnnd," she said, dragging the word out with a conspiratorial smirk. "Someone was asking about you."

She skipped down the aisle like she hadn't just dropped the biggest bomb on me. "Who?"

"You'll find out on Halloween." She disappeared around the corner.

I followed with my cart, abandoning the grocery list. Halloween was still a week away. I couldn't wait that long. Just as I turned the corner, the front of my basket slammed into someone.

"Oof." The guy doubled over, clutching his stomach.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

The guy held up a finger, sucked down a deep breath, then stood up straight. Vik.

He blinked, recognizing me too. "I guess I deserved that after lying to you."

"I didn't see you there," I said, hoping he didn't honestly think I hit him on purpose.

Liah joined me at my side, wincing at the scene. "Ari, I told you to get your road rage under control."

My eyes narrowed at her because it was partially her fault. "Are you okay?" I asked Vik, who was still holding his stomach.

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