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We arrived at the location maybe 30 minutes late.

The island was set up with our company logos everywhere, it was looking really nice.

The hotel that was on the island was rented by Williams and Brown. It was very elegant, I think it was even a five-star hotel. It has 20-something floors which will be able to accommodate all of us, most rooms were arranged with twin beds and some with three beds.

We three went to the lobby where a lot of people are checking in. I can't help but scan the room, looking for a certain brown-eyed girl.

When I didn't see her, I joined Claire on the couch while Brian went to the reception area.

"I'm still sleepy." Claire said while yawning.

"You slept the whole trip, that was 3 hours of drive, Claire!" I exclaimed.

I didn't even get to close my eyes even for a minute and she was still complaining about getting 3 hours of sleep. She didn't even wake up in between, 3 hours straight, her eyes were closed!

"Still!" Claire lay half of her body on the couch and close her eyes.


I averted my eyes from her and looked at the people around me. I don't know all these people, we share the same company but most of them, I haven't seen yet.

But I know that most of them know me. Gossip and hearsay travel so fast in the building.

When people saw me a couple of times with Alex, they whisper. When Brian shows up and announces to the 9th floor that he knows me, it travels down to the lobby of the building, so every time I will be at the cafeteria, or in the lobby, I can see the stares, the whispers, but nobody dared ask.

So I don't know if they hate me or what.

And today, I came with Brian. 

People know, especially the ones on the 9th floor that I didn't go ride the bus to come here. The transportation was arranged by floor, so people who share the same floor rode the bus together, and I was not there.

"Hey, Claire is asleep again?" Brian looking at Claire, handed me the key card. I nodded at him with my brows raised.

"Unbelievable!" He exclaimed.

"Right?" I agreed.

"Anyways, you'll be sharing your room with... sleeping beauty right there and I will be on the floor above you." I laughed at how he addressed Claire.

"Wake her up." He added.

"Maybe you can kiss her and wake her up." I joked and we both laugh which made Claire woke up.

"What? Why are you laughing?" She asked confused.

"We're gonna go upstairs where there is a bed for you to continue your beauty sleep." I told her laughing.

As we stood up, I was greeted by Alex's gaze from the other corner of the lobby. She was with 3 other people.

And when the guy who was facing her turned his back a little bit, I recognized him.

It was Daniel Atkins!

The guy she said that she was not dating! 

Her Fuckbuddy!

Claire and Brian were busy teasing each other and laughing that they did not notice where I was looking. 

"What room are we in?" I heard Claire ask.

"728, and I am in 828."

I made a straight face, did not look down, not even to look away. 

Our staring contest was discontinued when we had to turn to go wait for the elevator.

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