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It was dark. And cold. I groaned as I pulled myself off the slick black ground. It reflected red glowing blurs, but I couldn't tell what it was. My vision was blurred. I looked around this darkness, and I began walking towards the red light. Usually you shouldn't walk towards red light, but I mean, there was nothing else anywhere. When I got closer, I saw it was most likely 2 words, but I couldn't tell what. I continued forwards, my bones aching. That's when I remembered. I had died. Suffocated. But where was I? I squinted hard at the letters, but I still couldn't make out what it said. The only letter I could make out was a red 'M' in the first word. I finally came to realise I wasn't cold. I looked down, and something in my jacket pocket was glowing. I grabbed it, and pulled it out. It was a cracked pocket watch.
The devil walked in on my piano playing.
I kept playing, ignoring it approaching me.
Suddenly I choked.
I stopped playing.
I froze still.
I slowly turned my head towards her.
The devil froze.
The devil looked confused.

"You're my sister"

I choked out.

Everything stopped.

Time stopped.

Everything. Stopped.

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