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Jin and namjoon tried to calm him down but nothing worked.. his blood pressure was decreasing and due to stress and weakness he again fainted,,

Dr. Gave him sleeping medicines for his mind and body to have rest.

everyone in the room crying seeing the condition of the lovers whose life get destroyed by a single mistake,,

if taehyung have denied aeri that day,, he could have saved himself from this heart Break.

If jungkook for once given chance to explain his side to taehyung.

If any one of them tried to make them understand the situation of other one.. 

they were younger,, instead of shielding them from hurt if there elders have helped them to accept the hurt,,

they were not in this situation but Past cannot be changed,,

they have to face the consequences..

There was no improvement in Taehyung,, it's been more than 24 hours he is in life support.. 

Drs. Were keeping track of his vitals,, yoongi was getting impatient,, taehyung's parents requested doctor to let them see their son..

Dr. Reluctantly agreed,, when they came out of the ICU after seeing their son's lifeless body,, connected to a number of machines, his chest getting up and down was the only sign of him being alive..

rini was also crying for her father,, jungkook was a doctor himself so he and rini also went to see taehyung,,

rini left his hand ran towards his father and held taehyung's hand which was resting on his side,, she kissed his hand multiple times..

Rini: dada please open your eyes,, see your princess is here,, dada please,, today is Saturday we have to go to noona,, she must be waiting for us ..

rini kept on crying until a nurse took him out of the ICU.. jungkook was glaring at taehyung .. he sat on the chair near taehyung bed..

Jk: How could you do this to me,, first you made me fall in love with you,, then you left me,, and when I moved away from you ,, you again said you love me and now you want to leave me again..

why are you so cruel taehyung why,, i wanted to have a small family with you.. but taehi left us,, I couldn't even saw her to my hearts content and now you are also leaving me..

he held taehyung's hand and kissed it,, please don't leave me.. I have no one,, please you, me and rini,,we will live together and make a small family.

I only love you,, hobi is not my boyfriend,, how could you think that I will love someone else other than my babies daddy.

I forgive you taehyung,, please wake up ,, let's go home, our home.. i and our baby we both forgive you..

He felt taehyung's fingers moving and taehyung's hand tightening around his own.

A sign of relief left his lips,, but that doesn't last longer as he saw taehyung's face was contoured in pain and discomfort,,

he saw taehyung's pulse getting weaker,, he immediately pressed the button ,, doctor's and nurses came running inside the ICU..

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