Chapter 64

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Masaro was shocked to hear me laugh. It makes me think he wanted to insult me and make me react negatively.

But unfortunately for him, I genuinely found it funny, how he was trying to remove himself from the picture while his brothers fought for my attention.

It would make sense. He was probably forced into this. Being the youngest, he cares very little about the throne.

"They said you were a genius, but you don't seem all that competent," Masaro frowned.

"And what are those accusations based upon about my competence?" I asked calmly.

"The fact that you were attacked by a magicless drunk says a lot," he said plainly, his eyes flashing with smugness.

That hit a string. But it's not something to show.

"It was quite shocking. I almost dirtied my hands, good thing someone else did the job for me," I smiled.

No one would know what really happened. They just know I had to be saved by my father, they don't know that I almost killed my attacker...

"I thought your father had to save you," he pressed, clearly annoyed by my calmness.

"I think that's enough, Masaro," Ken glared.

"No it's alright. Leave it be," I said with a smug snicker.

The other princes looked at me with curiosity and pure intrest.

I looked at Ken and Kazuki, signaling to play along.

"Right, the Princess is benevolent, dismissing such distasteful comments," Kazuki praised.

"Please, call me Snow," I said kindly.

Osamu's expression didn't change, but he was gripping a little too tightly at his fork.

I felt an air of annoyance come from Akihiko, Kiyoshi, and Masaro.

"If the Princess permit, I would like to show you around the palace," offered Osamu gently.

"I'm sure the Princess would prefer taking a tour around the Aqua facility," Kiyoshi said quickly.

"... I have training with the knight commander... You would probably like to meet him, come if you'd like," Masaro offered begrudgingly.

He most likely wants me to reject.

"I'm more of a gardener myself. If you would choose, I could tour you around my private garden. Given there are plants that you've probably never seen before," Akihiko said with a slightly cold look.

"If you need us, Snow, me and Ken could show you to our private animal sanctuary," Kazuki said with a small wink.

If I go with Ken and Kazuki, we could talk more about tactics and preferences of the other princes.

But it would delay the process.

"Hm... So many intresting places," I laughed slightly.

I was tempted to go to the training field and see how good Slade's knights are.

"Maybe I could tour these other places next time. I would like to get a proper layout of the palace first," I said, glancing at Osamu who brightened up in arrogance.

'Let's start with the eldest'

Akihiko and Kiyoshi were displeased and Masaro let out a sigh of relief.

Ken and Kazuki nodded with a smile. It's good that they know what to do.

Osamu helped me out of my seat and escorted me inside.

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