Avoiding trouble

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I turned around on my heel and made a run for it again.

Somehow, the chase continued, each second feeling like an eternity as I maintained a careful balance between staying hidden and running away. My adrenaline-fueled determination gave me the strength to keep going, even as exhaustion threatened to overtake me.

I made it out of the party area, then frantically looked around to see where I could run off to hide. I had heels on and my feet hurt like hell since I had been running around with them on. I was not used to wearing heels and I knew running out of the building like this wasn't a good option.

But where do I go!?!? Behind me, I heard the sound of running footsteps that made my heart race faster!

OH! Shit! Where!! Where!!! I did a 360 turn, shooting my eyes everywhere.


In the midst of the chaos that was plaguing my mind, I noticed a door tucked away in a corner. It seemed like an inconspicuous exit, and without hesitation, I made my way towards it.

It led to the female bathroom and I made a run for it just as he entered the quieter hallway. I ran into the bathroom, locking it behind me to catch my breath.

My brain wasn't braining or there was something more going on here that I couldn't comprehend or it was just as simple as me having the worst luck.

I let out a few deep breaths as my mind kept racing. I shook my head at myself, trying to make sense of what happened but like I said, maybe my brain wasn't braining because it wasn't making any sense, not to me. I glanced at the door behind me as I took another deep breath, then ran and locked myself into one of the stalls, my heart pounding in my ears as I tried to regain my composure since I knew I couldn't stay hidden for long.

That's when I felt the thing in my hand again and opened my palm to look at a USB.

What's this? Why would he hand me this? To a complete stranger?? My breath was shaking as I thought about it... I feel like he made a strong gut judgment right then and there since there was a high chance of him getting caught.

I bit my lips as my reporter instincts told me there was something big in my hands. I put the toilet lid down and sat on it, then attached the USB to my phone.

There were some files on it along with a video. I didn't have the time to look through the written documents properly but I immediately played the video after getting the gist of what was in the files.

My free hand traveled to my mouth in astonishment, "OH MY GOD..." I let out a soft gasp as the main bathroom doorknob got rattled.


Then the door got pounded on. "Open the door!!!" The people yelled, "Open the door or we'll be forced to break it down!!" My heart rate sped up once again.

SHIT!! Is it the guards!?!? It must be them. They must have caught the guy and found out he didn't have what they wanted. I gulped. But I doubt he told them he gave it to me, he wanted me to take it to the press!!!

"Break the door." I heard them say without even waiting for an answer and I felt myself go pale.

But the possibility that they beat it out of him isn't zero. The stakes were high, and I knew I couldn't afford to be caught now, but how the hell do I get out of this?


I heard the door get violated



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