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A month had passed and the siblings were finally getting back into a routine again. A different routine though; one without their mother, one where Jade, Noah and Ashton stayed twenty-four-seven with their older brothers.

They even had to get a schedule on their fridge to make sure everyone pulled their weight. In order to make this work, they had to.

Jordan now worked fulltime at the grocery store, studying in his free time and keeping up with the custody petition. Tristan now juggled two jobs, at the diner and the local car shop, managing the household in between. Ashton's main job was to go to school – which so far so good – and picking the kids up from school. Tristan and Jordan alternated dropping the kids off every morning.

Even though they found a routine that worked for them, it didn't mean there no longer was any chaos.

"I swear to god Noah, you've been in there forever!" Ashton yanked the shower curtain aside, not giving a shit about evading his little brother's privacy. "Hurry the fuck up!"

Noah pulled the curtain shut again. "I was here first! Wait your turn!"

"I'm gonna kill him," Ashton muttered under his breath. He bumped Tristan out of his way to brush his teeth.

"Ah fuck," Tristan winced cutting himself with his razor. He claimed back his spot at the sink, inspecting the cut on his jawline. "Now look what you did."

Ashton had been filling his mouth with water straight from the tap, rinsing the toothpaste out. He cupped a handful of water and splashed it in Tristan's face for no reason.

Tristan retaliated by leaving a smudge of shaving cream in his hair.

"Tris!" Ashton could not laugh with this as he quickly ran his wet hands through his hair. "I might not have time to even shower, you dickhead!"

"Noah, come on buddy."

"I'm almost done!" Noah grumbled, adding under his breath, "Can't even take a shower in peace."

As if the bathroom wasn't crowded enough, a giddy ball of fluff skipped into the small space. Jade was all smiles and all pink – literally. Her dress was pink, her socks, her sandals and even her hair ties. Jordan had made a deal with her; once a week she could choose her own outfit. It spared him a lot of tantrums he could not deal with every morning. Guess what day it was?

Jade tugged at the towel wrapped around Tristan's waist. Tristan's reflex was quick as he caught the towel before slipping. He had washed his face clean and patted it dry. "Yes, my beautiful princess."

"Jordan said you have to do my hair today."

"Shi – crap, I'm gonna be late." Tristan picked Jade under her arms, putting her down on the small space that was clutter free next to the sink. "How about Ashton does your hair, while I get dressed so I can take you guys to school."

Ashton didn't even have the time to give his own personal opinion. "I'm gonna be late, too! Jackass."

Tristan had already left though and Ashton sighed. He caught Jade already watching him, an amused twinkle in her eyes as she swung her legs back and forth. The hectic mornings never seem to get to her as she always walked around in a good mood and those damned dimples of hers.

"Why do you look like a pink bomb exploded on you?"

"Pink is my favorite color!"

"It was blue last night," he pointed out, grabbing her middle. "Turn around."

Jade happily wiggled her tiny butt as she admired herself in the mirror, proud of her outfit she chose. "I want two buns, please."

"Jade, cover your eyes!" Noah called out behind the curtain. His hand stuck out to grab the towel but he only ended up grasping air.

TAINTED (book II)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora