Chapter 15

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"Miss, we are almost out of your perfume and rouge, would you like me to call a perfumer and a cosmetics merchant?"

"Oh, yes! Good!"

After all, Anna is an essential character in the story!

'I'll try some luxury cosmetics!'

I remember my coworkers from my past life who wore niche perfumes or expensive imported cosmetics.

Trying to look like them, I never touched up my makeup in public.

I wasn't ashamed of my road-shop makeup, but I was embarrassed to admit that I was scraping the bottom of my compacts with all the transferred text and stickers peeling off.

'I used to put my lipstick on in the bathroom stall...... but now that I think about it, I don't know why I was so ashamed of it.'

Maybe I was subconsciously thinking that it would show that I was unloved.

A person with high self-esteem would have been rather proud, saying, "I'm this frugal."

I smiled bitterly and waited for the people Anna would call.

First, she called in the perfumer.

He carefully sniffed the scent of my old perfume and nodded. "It's a fine rose perfume with Ashley roses, shall I make it like this again this time?"

"Do you have more than one type of rose perfume?"

"Of course, but the most common is the one with Titania roses. It's rich, heavy, and the first thing that comes to mind when you think of rose perfume, but it's a little too heavy for young people."

"How much does that cost?"

"It's relatively cheap, about 20,000 sena for a small bottle."

Huh? Wait a minute. Doesn't 20,000 sena mean 200,000 won?

I think that small bottle is less than 50ml, but that's 200,000 won?

That's my entire month's transportation, communication, and utility bills!

"Ha, haha, I see...... what about the others?"

"There's a type of rose that a lot of young people are looking for, the Ashley rose. It's a light, fresh rose scent with a hint of grass, and the one you've been wearing is a very fine perfume made with Ashley roses, a type of wild raspberry, and a hint of longan incense."

It sounds expensive just from the description.

"How much does this cost?"

"Well, it depends on the proportions, but if I were to make it similar to your old perfume, it would probably cost between 50,000 and 70,000 sennas for a small bottle of......"

What? Why did the price suddenly double or triple?

Half a million won is way more than my food budget for a month in my previous life......

"The most expensive perfumes are those that use Tess roses or Nathaniel roses[1], which cost over 100,000 sennas for a small bottle."

[1] If you're wondering what kind of rose Nathaniel rose is, it doesn't exist in the world, I think it's just the author's fantasy.

So, a 50ml bottle of perfume costs over a million won? I miscalculating the exchange rate between the won and the senna? Why is it so expensive?

As I clench my molars to keep my mouth from gaping, the perfumer spoke again, "Why don't you try the Nathaniel rose this time, it has a slightly deeper scent than the Ashley rose."

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