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OCTOBER 18, 2021

YURI swung open the doors to Rhylee's shop, the door chimes announcing her arrival. With her Chanel bag tucked under her arm, she busily typed away on her phone.

"Good afternoon," Yuri greeted, glancing briefly from her phone. "Hey, boo," Rhylee chimed in, prompting Yuri to shift her attention from her phone to notice both Rhylee and Dee, causing a slight frown from her.

"Wassup Yuri." Dee spoke and Yuri looked at him. "I didn't know you had someone here. I'll come back." Yuri said as she turned on her heels to walk away but Rhylee stopped her.

"No. He was just about to go." Rhylee clarified and Dee mugged her. Yuri didn't think the worst of her best friend but she definitely wanted to know why Dee was here.

"Bye Dee." Rhylee said, Dee sucked his teeth and stood up, exiting the shop with the chimes ringing as he left. The girls exchanged glances, and Rhylee shook her head, already knowing what Yuri was about to ask.

"Why he was in here? All comfortable and shit too." Yuri questioned, settling into a seat and placing her bag on her lap. Rhylee sighed, crossing her arms. "His sister made an appointment and I declined that shit because i wasn't taking no chances. She one of them I love my brother even when he in the wrong hoes." Rhylee explained.

"Then he supposedly came here to ask why I declined her appointment. But then, you know exactly how it turned out," Rhylee mentioned, and Yuri's eyebrows furrowed. "He know about O'Shea?" Yuri asked, and Rhylee nodded in response.

"Yes! It's giving stalker. He's weird." Rhylee shook her head before settling into her spinning chair. She reached over to the vanity, grabbing her Carmel frappe, and turned to look at her best friend.

"And I got something to say about you." Yuri looked up from her phone giving Rhylee a confused expression, "Don't look confused hoe, why you didn't answer my call on Friday in the afternoon around 2:40?" Rhylee asked, tilting her head.

Yuri rolled her eyes, Rhylee was so dramatic. "I was busy." she replied, scratching her neck and avoiding Rhylee's intense stare. Rhylee squinted her eyes and pressed her lips together. "You want to know how I know you lying? Because you not even looking at me and I checked that location!" Rhylee said, standing up from her chair.

Yuri frowned, "Stop being nosy." Yuri said. Rhylee squinted her eyes at her, "What was your fat ass doing at the biscuit bar? And with out me? You so fake!" Rhylee called out, shaking her head at Yuri.

"I didn't even take myself! I was invited!" Yuri defended herself, and Rhylee raised an eyebrow, prompting Yuri to smack her lips. "By who?" Rhylee asked. Yuri sighed. "Kash," she mumbled, but Rhylee still heard her, causing her eyes to widen.

"Bitchh! He took you out again?" Rhylee asked now intrigued, Yuri nodded. "His little mysterious ass want you." Rhylee said and Yuri rolled her eyes.

"No he doesn't. He was just being nice also he was bored." Yuri said and Rhylee put her hand on her hip giving her best friend a look.

"And you think that nigga don't want you? He could've called anybody— he could've called Shae but he called Yuri Mariah White?" Rhylee raised her eyebrows, to which Yuri responded with a shrug. We just ate together." Yuri said with a shrug of her shoulders

"Girl.. please" Rhylee waved her off walking away from her.


Yuri parked her grey Honda and locked the doors before heading towards the entrance of Kash's tattoo shop, where a cursive sign read "Kash Inkz" on the building.

Yuri stepped into the quiet, vacant shop, her brows furrowing slightly. "Who that?" Yuri heard Kash call out, "it's Yuri!" Yuri said back. She spotted him standing in the doorway of a room. "Cmere."

Yuri proceeded down the corridor making it to the room where Kash was now sitting down in a chair, "Hi" Yuri spoke to him giving him a small smile and he couldn't help but to smile back at her. "You better know what you want," Kash remarked.

"I do." Yuri muttered pulling her phone out going to the inspo picture, she wanted a tattoo of her zodiac sign which was a Leo. She moved closer to him, standing slightly between his legs, and flipped her phone around to show him.

He gave her a straight face, "you think I could see that?" He asked making her move closer as he looked at the Leo zodiac sign.

"Where you want it?" Kash asked, gazing up at her. Yuri swallowed nervously before pulling up her hoodie slightly and pointing to an area on her side. Kash couldn't get a clear view, so he gently moved her hand to push her hoodie up a little more.

His hands touched her bare side, sending chills down her spine. She couldn't tell if it was due to his hands being cold or the way he was touching her. "Right here?" he asked, and Yuri glanced down to where he was touching.

She let out a faint "yeah,"he removed his hands off her body she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

"Sit up here." Kash instructed, motioning towards the tattoo table. Yuri sat down before laying back, watch as Kash pulled some black gloves on and started preparing.

Yuri didn't know they'd be alone, she probably would've waited because the way she was feeling right now was insane.

Kash sat back down in the chair he was sitting in, "I ain't for the crying shit. So don't start it." Kash told her bluntly and Yuri mugged him. "I got a tattoo before I'm not going to cry." she retorted. He shrugged before starting the tattoo needle, the buzzing sound filling the air.

About 20 minutes later of Yuri making him stop and Kash sucking his teeth she was all done. Yuri sniffled as she stood infront of Kash who stared at her with a blank face.

"I got a tattoo before I'm not going to cry." He mocked her before handing her a paper towel so she could wipe her tears. "Shut up." Yuri said as she held her hoodie up and Kash shook his head applying ointment on her tattoo

"How much?" Yuri inquired, and Kash glanced at her.  "Come somewhere with me tomorrow." He told her applying the sterile bandage over the tattoo.

"I asked how much—You ain't got to pay, I want you to come somewhere with me." Kash cut her off.

Her face contorted with a look of confusion, did he not want to get paid? "You coming or not?" Kash asked and before Yuri could even rack her brain for more questions she said yes.



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