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a/n: forgive me if there are any story gaps? If that makes sense? I feel like I was blanking a lot on this one! But I hope you all will enjoy it! Happy Saint Patrick's day too!

Le Mans, France
Summer 2014

The frenchman had burst through the hospital doors, red in the face. "GINNY!"

The others trailed behind him: Chloe, Max, Charles, Victoria, and Arthur. The group was racing down the hospital hall, trying to catch up to the American with a bleeding head. Pierre was the fastest. He sprinted down the sterilized floors.

The bright fluorescent lights followed after him. His dirty blonde hair was stuck to his forehead. He was sweating buckets from the run to get to the hospital, because unlike the others, he had taken off on his feet the second Timothée got the call. The call that said Ginny had been hit by a car and was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.

He bolted over to Pauline, grabbing her arm before she could disappear with the rest of Ginny's family into the unknown oblivion of doctors and nurses and surgeries. The doctors were already pushing Ginny into the operation hallway, so she was swept behind the employee only doors. Pauline skidded to a stop and turned around, slapping Pierre hard on his cheek.

Pierre reeled back. His eyes widened in shock and his fingers hesitantly touched the impacted skin. Pauline had tears swelling in her eyes. She clenched her jaw and spoke in a hushed whisper, not wanting to cause any more attention to fall on them. "This is your fault!"

Pierre gritted his teeth. He tried to grab onto the eldest Chalamet again, but she held her hands up defensively. "I have to see her!"

"No... you don't." Pauline crossed her arms above her chest and nearly spat at his feet. "I take back what I said about this being your fault, Pierre. Because it's not just your fault... it's all of your faults. What the hell were you thinking going to a club?"

Chloe tried to speak, mumbling some words, but Pauline held up a shaky finger. "My sister is about to be rushed into surgery because you all are too selfish to even think about her for a second."

"Paulie..." Charles shook his head.

Pauline raised a brow at him. "You, of all people, should've been there to protect her."

"Don't blame this on us just because you're a shit sister!" Pierre yelled, veins bulging from his neck.

Pauline let out a sarcastic chuckle that reverberated through the empty hall. "Don't blame this on me just because you're too afraid to say you love her."

"I-" Pierre furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't." She mocked him. "You all need to think about how you've acted. I don't know the details, but whatever she was upset about, you all were the cause. Maybe when she gets through her surgery, you'll have your fucking act together."

"Pauline." Arthur whispered, glancing at his feet. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Let's hope so." Pauline sighed, turning her back to the group and disappearing into the back hall.

Pierre fisted his hair out of frustration. He whirled around, letting out a frustrated groan. He felt anger inside of his gut boiling. His hands were in fists and he wanted to punch the wall.

How could Ginny have gotten hurt? If she had stayed... why did she leave? Why did he not follow her?

He shook his head and grabbed the youngest Leclerc by his shirt. "You're her buddy, aren't you? Why the fuck didn't you go after her?"

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