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"I always wanted a fluffy blanket and pillows," Aadya pouted, looking through pillows and comforters, confused. She didn't know which one to choose.

Tanay threw a pillow her way; she caught it. "Fluffy enough?" he questioned.

"Perfect," she threw the pillow in the trolley. "Now, do you think it's better to buy a quilt instead? Since it's not gonna be that cold here."

"I think we should buy both. In case someone gets sick."

"Hm, good point," she nodded thoughtfully.

"What's next?" he asked, putting the comforter and quilt in the trolley too.

Aadya looked at the checklist on her phone. "Kitchenware."

"Over there." With one hand, Tanay pushed the trolley, and with the other, he pulled her along.

The girl was getting fascinated by anything. Literally anything. She had not seen such a big mall before, and Tanay had lost her three times already.

"Pressure cooker," she read her list. "Saucepan. Two saucepans."

"How about this one?" Tanay pointed to a red pressure cooker. "It's the same size as back home."

"It will be too big for just the two of us?" she frowned. She was confused, not sure anymore.

"These saucepans?"

"Yes!" she said. After a while of thinking, she told him to get that cooker as well.

They roamed around the shopping mall for one more hour until they had everything.

"Good job!" they high-fived after they paid the bill.

"Let's go over there," Tanay said and pulled her into another shop.

"What's over there-clothes?" she frowned. "I have clothes."

"You have sarees and blouses," he flicked her forehead.

"And a sweatpant."

"It's Mumbai. You'll die in that sweatpant," he rolled his eyes.

"Rude," she narrowed her eyes on him. He smiled and kissed her between the brows.


She picked two night dresses, cotton pants, and shirts. Two cotton oversized t-shirts. Her gaze fell on cute cotton shorts, but she debated whether or not to get them.

"Try them on," Tanay handed them to her.

"I'll be back, wait here," she smiled and stepped inside the changing room.

Three minutes later, she stepped out in a nightdress.

"Oh my god, this is so comfortable! I wanna sleep," Tanay chuckled and shook his head.

"You're so cute."

They got the clothes. After stepping out of the mall with bags in their hands, Aadya looked at him with a suspicious but playful gaze.

"Did my stealing your t-shirts bother you so much that you got me my own?" she asked.

"Love," Tanay laughed. "That's not why I bought them for you. It made you happy."

"It did," she smiled. "I'm hungry now." She pouted.

"Me too." They stepped on the escalator stairs. She simply followed him around everywhere. "Pizza or burger?"

"Burger," she said. "Can I get a cold coffee too?"

"Of course."


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