Chapter 11

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Dedicating this chapter to Kween_D, my awesome slayer namesake.
Pic is Olivia Holt as Isabel.

*Edited by dacasabella*


Oliver's P.O.V.

I rushed down the stairs, almost tripping in the process, with my school bag over my shoulder and the keys to our SUV in my hand.

I was supposed to be in class by 8:30 and right now, it read 8:53 on my watch. I groaned in frustration as I looked down to see that I had worn my t-shirt inside out. I pulled it off and turned it right side out before yanking it back over my head.

I was gonna get it good from my accounting lecturer, Mrs. Briggs. She hated latecomers and always kept them back at the end of class to give them, yet, another lecture about punctuality. I had already been in that situation a couple of times and trust me, it was not a pleasant one. She had a tendency of spitting when she talked. She was also a close talker, standing in your personal space while she gave you that lecture. Add to that, the fact that she also had really bad breath. It could knock you unconscious. To top it all off, she had a big brown disgusting wart with a hair growing out of it on her chin. That thing is scary as fuck, especially up close. In fact, now I think of it, she might be Nanny McPhee's twin sister.

How I wish I could get myself out of this situation. I really didn't want to spend another 20-30 minutes with her after the class and today I had classes till 5pm. Arghh! I hated Thursdays.
If only I hadn't binge watched Jessica Jones yesterday till 3 o'clock this morning, I would have woken up on time. But dammit, that show was fucking good. Now I had to wait in anticipation for a season two. Argh!

I rushed out of the house to the Jeep and opened it, getting in. I started the car, quickly shifting into reverse and I was about to back out from the driveway before I remembered I was forgetting something, or rather, someone.

"Isabel, get your ass down here! I'm already late for my class!", I stuck my head out of the car window and yelled as I honked the car horn repeatedly.

Isabel also had a class, sometime around 10:30. I wished I was the only one with classes today, so I wouldn't be wasting my time waiting for her. She took forever to get ready and she even woke up before me, so she always claimed. Why didn't she have her classes in the afternoon like Brenda and Skye did? Those two were still in bed, filling the whole house with their loud snores.

After another five minutes of constant honking which had already started to attract attention from some of the neighbors, Isabel came out, strutting like she was on a runway and we had nowhere better to be.

She had a stupid smirk on her face as she reached the car and opened the backdoor to hop to in.

"Sheesh. I'm here already. Don't need to get your panties in a twist.", she snorted as she shut the door.

I just rolled my eyes in annoyance as I backed out from the driveway.

"Why are you sitting in the back when there's no one in the passenger seat?", I asked.

"None of your business. Now drive me to school, driver". She stressed "driver", as I watched her put on earphones from the front view mirror. I just rolled my eyes in annoyance again. My eyes were gonna fall out because of her.

After driving for about two minutes, I saw Zak standing with his car parked at the side of the road. We hadn't come across each other since I apologized on Sunday. It wasn't like I'd been avoiding him or anything, we just hadn't crossed paths. This might be awkward, especially with Isabel in the car.

Neighbors [boyxboy] [ON HOLD!!!]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن