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Unknown's POV:

"More emotion!" Bree shrieked.

I stopped dead center in the middle of the studio. I never had problem showing emotion when I danced, but tonight just wasn't my night.

"God, what's wrong with you?" Bree snapped from across the room.

"I'm just tired," I stuttered.

Bree softened her gaze. Bree knew about all of the things going on at home, and she almost always knew when I was having a bad day.

"Dad or mom?" Bree asked looking down at her feet.

"Both," I murmured.

Bree slowly nodded her head, and turned off the music.

"I think you should go spend the night at your grandma's," Bree said.

"I already was going to," I added.

"Maybe you should just leave early tonight, take a walk home since your grandma lives right by the studio," Bree said.

"I don't know-," I started to say.

"Nope, your walking home I have decided, it will blow off some steam, trust me," Bree held up her hand cutting me off.

Bree snatched my bag off of the floor, and handed it to me. She gave me a soft push out of the door.

"What if Mrs.Kertz asks where I am?" I asked pausing outside of the doorframe.

"Goodnight, Callie" Bree said in a motherly tone.

She slammed the door in my face signaling me to go. I pulled a shirt out of my duffle bag, and pulled it over my head.

I walked out of the studio and welcomed the chilled air that greeted me. I still had on my jazz shoes and I hoped I wouldn't scuff them on the way to my grandma's.

I walked alone on the dark street. Only the occasional street light, and the brisk wind kept me company.

I kept thinking about last night and what had happened at the dinner table. I cringed at the same scene repeating over and over in my head, my drunk father snapping at me because I broke a plate on accident.

Then out of no where something grabbed me from behind throwing my dance bag to the ground.

I screamed out, but the stranger threw a hand over my mouth. He clamped a arm over my torso, and hauled me to his car.

I kicked out and screamed through his hand, but the stranger wasn't fazed at all.

He threw me in the back of his car and sharply kicked my head.

That's when everything went black.

Callie's POV:

I awoke on a soft blue bed. I screamed as I remembered the horrific details on my walk from the dance studio.

I was kidnapped.

"Shhh it's fine," A blond haired girl came limping to the side of the bed.

"Please let me go, I won't tell anyone," I sobbed.

The girl brushed my hair out of my eyes, and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

She winced when she moved one of her legs. The skin around her right eye was a deep shade of purple, and she had a long cut running along the side of her cheek.

"What's your name?" The girl said softly.

"C-C-Callie," I stuttered.

"That's a pretty name, I'm Alison," she smiled.

I nodded my head, but I winced at the sharp headache that came after it.

"Trust me I went through that too," Alison laughed softly.

I smiled weakly at her and sat up on the bed. I took in my surroundings, it looked like I was almost in a light blue bedroom.

"It's a nice bedroom isn't it?" Alison said softly.

"Yeah I guess," I murmured.

"Please, why am I here?" I whimpered.

Alison looked grim. She stared at her feet, she almost looked like Bree besides the hair color.

"It's very simple," she murmured.

"Befriend Melanie, and don't ever speak up," Alison said looking up at me.

"Who the heck is Melanie?" I asked.

Alison looked frantically around the room. Once satisfied she spoke again,

"Melanie is Harry's daughter, once again never speak up, or disobey them," she shuddered.

"Is that what happened to your eye?" I whispered.

Alison nodded a tear slipping out of her eye. She brushed a lock of her blond hair behind her ear, and straightened up to face me again.

Alison was about to say something but then the door slowly creaked open interrupting her.


Omg *screams* so 1k reads!

I wanted to do a extra special chapter to celebrate the occasion woop woop :D

I think adding an extra character will increase drama *wink* *wink* ;)

Anyways, hope you all have a wonderful day!

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts :D

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