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Chapter 3 - The Confession

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Chapter 3 - The Confession


"What do you want?" Zach asked impatiently. "I hope for your sake that this isn't a waste of my time." I stared at him, unsure of how to set my plan into motion. He seemed really pissed too, since I had dragged him from the parking lot all the way to the empty classroom he had dragged me into the day before. How am I going to start this? How am I going to convince him that I like him? I'd never confessed my feelings to a guy before, whether they were for real or not.

I should have thought this through.

"If you're not going to talk, I'm leaving." He stood up and headed for the door.

I grabbed the back of his shirt to stop him. "Wait!"

He glowered at me. "Then speak up!"

I stepped back and look at him straight into his eyes. This is it, Tori. Do your best.

"I know I'm not the type of girl that you usually go out with. I'm not sexy, I'm not attractive and I'm no fun. I'm plain and boring with no charm at all. The only thing good about me is probably my brain, which everyone finds boring. But I must ask you this..."

I took a deep breath and mustered all the courage I had to say the words that I'd never thought would ever come out of my mouth. I hoped that I was doing the right thing and this will be the best solution for everything. "...Zachary Anderson, can I be your girlfriend?" I whispered timidly, my gaze glued to my shoes.


I looked up. He was frowning. Was he angry? Did I say something wrong? He started walking toward me. I stepped back, unsure of what else to do. He continued to step closer until he had cornered me. He slammed his fist into the wall, and that made me jump in shock.

He looked furious.

"Are you fuckin' kidding me? You think this is funny? Yesterday you told me you didn't like me! Now you're saying you want to be my girlfriend? Don't mess with me, Peige!"

Nathan was right. Zach's really scary when he's angry. What was I going to do? "Say something!" He punched the wall again.

I was speechless. But there was no turning back now. If I took back what I said, that fist might end up planted in my face. Hesitantly, I reached out and touched his shoulder, "Zach, calm down." I said in the most soothing voice I could muster. "Look, I'm not kidding. What I just said is true. I... like you. I want to be your girlfriend. I always have." I looked him straight in the eyes, hoping he wouldn't realize I was lying through my teeth.

He stepped back and sat on the table. He continued to examine me. I took it as a sign to continue. "I hate to admit it, but you're right. Maybe the reason why I hated you so much is because"—I swallowed hard—"because you've always ignored me."

Oh, I was such a liar.

I saw his lips start to twitch in a grin. So, he believed me? Good. I should go on then. "I thought about it last night. And I realized that I really like you. I've always admired you and envied the girls you were with." This time, I looked away so he wouldn't notice that all these were total crap. I really didn't like him and as if I'd be jealous of those girls.

I hope he wouldn't see my expression and guess that I was lying. I wasn't a great actress, but I was determined to see this through for Chloe's sake.

He still wasn't talking.

Well, all right, I had sort of told him I hated him and that had been all too real. Maybe he wanted to hear lots of compliments coming from someone who despised him a lot. Well, this is the final blow; I hope your big head burst! I took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "Do you believe in the saying that there's a thin line between love and hate?" I asked as I walked toward him. I made myself meet his gaze and continued, "The more you hate someone, the more you secretly want that person. Maybe that's what I'm feeling right now." Where was I finding the courage to do this?

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