Chapter Fourteen

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"And then what happened?"

"Mortals started running, panicked. I then identified the source of the commotion and that's when I saw Ellen on her feet, staring at the dying man that was lying on the pathway a short distance away."

There was silence – a pause – as those within the room took the information in.

"And what did you say to her after that?"

"I implied that she killed the mortal. I then commanded her to come back to the manor, and that I would be speaking to her Master about this."

"I don't know how many times we need to keep reminding you Guardian Rolland that you need to control your temper and emotions. There is no denying that you are exemplar in your role and almost born into it, but if you can't control your anger and your accusations then we will have no other choice. You understand this, don't you?"

"Yes, of course."

"Discharging you from the role is not something we would like to see happen however, it is a role of prestige and carries great responsibilities. Act accordingly Guardian Rolland, or you will see yourself relieved. You may leave."

Guardian Rolland spun on his toes and strode across the room, official robes swaying behind him. His lips were in a ruler-straight lin and his eyebrows were furrowed. Ellen watched as he gripped the door, and slid outside.

She was sitting beside Hans and Claudia in the boardroom. Hans was drumming his fingers on the table, appearing slightly uncomfortable that he had to witness a warning being issued to someone that he worked closely with. Claudia, on the other hand, rested a hand on an armrest and now supported her chin with two fingers, a tell-tale sign that she was caught between a rock and a hard place.

"I only wish we knew what they were up to," she finally sighed, sliding into the back of her chair and letting her back slump. Neither of them had to say who 'they' were; the trio knew very well who 'they' referred to.

"Lucien is unpredictable. Even if he had a plan, it would probably change on the whim. Everything is constantly changing with him. We know this. Even if we knew what they were thinking, it is difficult to prepare anything," Hans replied, trying to comfort the frustrated woman.

Claudia slammed her fist on the table in frustration, strands of her hair falling out of the loose bun that was on the nape of her neck. She knew Hans was right, and it wasn't worth trying to say otherwise. "I feel like I can't properly protect our people or to prepare them for what's to come. Do you know how bad that feels?"

She was anguished. It was a desperate time.

"I do," Hans replied simply. Of course he did. He was Grand Master too once and he had to deal with the Necromancer problems that came about during his reign.

Ellen shrunk back in her chair. She was not quite sure whether they were aware that she was still in the room or if they had completely forgotten of her existence. She pushed harder against the backing, as if hoping that it would absorb her into it. But it didn't and so she listened and waited patiently.

"Where do we take it from here?" Claudia continued. "Do we stay quiet or do we let everyone know that something is brewing and to be on alert? A call to arms so early would only spark hysteria in some, and that would cause a separate headache. Not to mention, if someone within these walls is providing intel to the others, they would immediately know and can counter us."

Hans weighed up the options and nodded in agreeance. "We need to keep it quiet, between us. From experience and teachings, Lucien seems very adverse when it comes to attacking. If history taught us anything, it is that he acts by himself and a small clan of what he deems to be his strongest men or men that he doesn't fear to sacrifice. He takes joy in undertaking the formalities himself, and likes to claim the most kills."

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