Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty (Scythe's POV)

The sun was dipping behind the trees and the moon was already high in the silky black sky above, stars scattered like a glittery paintbrush just swept across the sky. The moon was round and full, etched with features that made one think they were being watched.

It made my stomach churn.

I had just gotten out of the shower and Zaid was taking his. I took a deep breath, heading to the wardrobe to grab a pair of leather pants and a black v-neck shirt. I changed and went downstairs ahead of Zaid to see half of the pack already ready to begin the ceremony.

"This is a lame birthday party." Kyler muttered from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder, raising an eyebrow when I saw him wearing a tight black turtleneck to match his jeans. The black made him seem paler, more ghost-like.

"It's not supposed to be fun." I muttered, although, he had a point. There was more of a heavy tension in the air rather than the festive celebration I had been hoping for. Kyler merely shrugged me off, his eyes drifting upstairs, then back to me.

"Try not to rip into him tonight." He drawled. I scowled.

"It's none of your business. You can't watch."

"I wouldn't want to. Where are you gonna do it anyway? In front of your pack? On a bed? In the lake? At the bottom of the lake?"

"Funny, cat, but no. None of them. We're going to the place where we first... mated. It's how things go."

"Where's that? In the bathroom at the toilet?"

"If you don't leave-"

"Oh, what's that I hear? A mouse? Well, I'm off to fetch dinner. See you, well, whenever." Kyler waved at me innocently before slipping off into the darkness of the back halls. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Nyt, who was so obviously seething with hate about this whole thing, but he stayed silent as he stood beside Acacia, who was looking straight down at her feet.

Lars and Holly stood nearby, sharing nervous looks. Ivy was picking at her fingernails, dressed in one of her infamous catsuits that hugged every shapely curve known to woman. Ugo and Xina were gripping their hands tightly between them. Alek had his arm around Thalia's shoulders tightly, avoiding the quick stares Kylan was casting him. Trisha refused to lift her eyes up and I could sense her worry filling the room with a sour stench. Frita just gazed up the staircase, her hands clasped tightly behind her.

I swear, it felt more like a funeral than anything.

Zaid finally came downstairs, looking surprisingly calm. He was wearing a snug black t-shirt under his leather jacket to match his pants; the pants that were cupping his ass so tightly, it made my pants feel like they'd gotten tighter in the groin area.

"All right," My father said, stepping forward seeing as Nyt was too distraught to really speak, "You both know where to go. Make sure that your hands are clasped, do not unclasp them or you'll break the ritual. Remember to repeat your vows. After, you must come to the backyard. We'll have the ceremony prepared for when you return... Blessed Be."

I just nodded, looking at Zaid, who had a pinched look on his face. I took his hand and led him out of the house, away from the judging stares of his pack. We drifted outside, but didn't change into wolves as we stepped into the woods, hands still clasped.

"I feel like this is supposed to be more... romantic." Zaid said at last.

"What were you expecting? Roses and unicorns?" I asked. Zaid scowled.

"Not like that. I meant... Scythe, I love you, that's why we're doing this, but... It just feels strange." He said at last, coming to stop and pulling me with him. I stared at him for a while, then stepped in front of him, taking his face in my hands and tilting his head so we were looking at each other.

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