Chapter Fifteen Tori: the unknown

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Hey i'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated because of school and other stuff, but THANK YOU ALL FOR ONE HUNDRED FOUR READERS you all are the best and just thank you - Brink


I can't believe that no one told me that Brey had sisters, and how could she keep this from us when we lived in the same house. The only person who did seem surprised was Nick, but he did meet Brey less than a month after her parents died. The fact is that I felt like we were actually close and she didn't even mention that she had a sister and she has two. After their long hug that obviously made Brey uncomfortable they said the normal stuff you say to someone that you haven't seen in a while. How are you here, how have you been doing, and I've missed you so much. Brey smiled they didn't act like they haven't seen each other in years, but like seeing one of those family members that you only see around the holidays. She introduced them to us the both had mocha skin and dark brown hair, but Jazz has hazelnut eyes while Jackie has dark brown eyes. They both seem really nice and even offered to help me, but by the time they finished the sentence I had already fixed it.

When their communication systems were back on line I got to hear, someone screaming bloody murder on full volume. Hunter and Emily were in the process of rescuing Kenny Peirce when they got surrounded and now their pinned down wasting bullets. Hunter was pretty much dragging Kenny out of there while Emily was trying to keep the shooters at bay. After I hacked into their system I locked a few doors and direct them out of the building. After they were safely on their way back here I locked every entrance and exit of the building, and to make sure that they weren't followed Hunter had already cut the break lines of all the other cars he could find. Then they were about half a mile away the building exploded I don't know why, I don't know how but it did.

They took Kenny to the hospital and he was diagnosed with three broken ribs, a shattered jaw, a cracked eye socket, a total of twelve fractures in his arms and legs, and a concussion. All that meant was that he got beat up, probably with a bat, he's in a lot of pain, but he'll live. It had been three hours since we had gotten off the plane, and we've rescued one person, gotten two people released from police custody more or less legally, and repaired an infiltrative surveillance and communication system from bits and pieces. I gave Terrance his computer back, and he gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. I kept thinking if Hunter was here this guy would A not get close enough to even touch me or B be unconscious on the floor. Nick was kind enough to say that I have a boyfriend rather than throwing him across the room.

Hunter was extremely protective of me and sometimes a bit jealous even though it can be annoying sometimes I know that it always comes from a really sweet place. Since we have been officially living together everything has been wonderful walks on the beach, dinner dates, and our wonderful time that we spend watching TV together. We still spend enough time away from each other so that we don't go insane. Mine with Chloe and Brey while he has Nick and Justin. Lately he has been saying I love you even more often I enjoy it, but it's starting to weird me out. I asked Nick what was wrong and he said it was nothing, but Nick is a very terrible liar. So I knew he wasn't telling me something, but I knew he wouldn't say anything even if I put a gun to his head.

We got back home three days later and we went back to our regularly scheduled programing. They second we walked into our apartment I turned on the TV and laid on the couch. He walked over, gave me a kiss, and took the remote changing the channel. He sat down in the chair next to the couch and smiled. I went and sat on his lap making sure he couldn't see the TV, and gently tried to take the remote out of his hand. He started kissing me running his fingers threw my hair and tossed the remote on the couch. Then he picked me up and started walking towards the bedroom. I jumped down, ran to the couch, and changed the channel back to what I was starting to watch. He laughed then sat down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I felt so small, and warm, and loved.

A few hours later he asked if I was hungry and I Really could've gone for a pizza. He told me to put on something nice, made a phone call, and left. I called Chloe and Brey asking them to come over and took a shower as fast as possible. Hunter doesn't like going anywhere fancy so I was really freaking out about why we were going there. The doorbell rang and I let Chloe, Brey, and Haleigh for some reason in. Haleigh went straight for my closet while Brey asked me what was going on, and I told her what hunter said. When Haleigh walked out of my closet she had three dresses that I forgot I even had, she forced me to try them on. The first two were way too much for much for my taste, but the third was perfect. It was a lavender one shoulder dress that came just below my knees with a bejeweled belt. Haleigh forced my hair in a bun and almost made me where heels until Chloe found a pair of silver flats.

After I was finished getting dressed the three of them left I sat there for about ten minutes trying to figure out what was going on. When Hunter walked through the door he was dressed in a suit and tie. He smiled at me and asked if I was ready to go, I nodded trying to keep it together. We went downstairs, got in the car, and went to this restaurant that was at the edge of a pier. We sat at a table in the back right next to these huge bay windows and watched the sun set as we ate. Everything was amazing like it was a dream after we ate dessert Hunter and I just sat there talking.

Then he took my hand and was somehow standing beside me starring me strait in my eyes. "Victoria Amber Jones you are the most Amazing, Smartest, Funniest, Honest, and Sweetest person that I have ever and probably will meet, and I don't know if this is Crazy, or Stupid, or if I'm a complete genius." He bent down to one knee and pulled a ring out of his pocket it was a large Amethyst surrounded by smaller diamonds. At this point I couldn't breathe, covering my mouth with excitement, and trying not to cry. Then said "Will you give me the ultimate honor of marrying you."

I really couldn't breathe I never thought that Hunter would ever want to get married and I was trying to think of any reason in the world for me not to say yes. I realized I couldn't I felt like he and all of his flaws were perfect for me, and I practically knocked him over kissing him. I stuck out my hand waiting for him to put the ring on my finger then he looked confused and asked if this was a yes. I nodded and he stood up finally giving me the ring and it was perfectly. After we left the restaurant we told everyone and everything was perfect for about twenty minutes. Then Istanbul, Singapore, Kiev, Shenzhen, Bucharest, Taipei, Brussels, Chennai, Marrakesh, Phuket, Edirne, Bali, Copenhagen, Agra, Varna, and Riyadh. That's not counting the times that AG sent either of us on some random super top secret stuff, so we didn't get to actually having a wedding for a while and we weren't really worried about it.

Until we wiped a girl off the face on the earth it was like she had never existed no friends, no family, and then he sent her to the same place we sent Danny. Then I felt like it was time for Hunter and me to finally get married. Getting married means more to us than it does to most people. Normally it signifies that you want to share everything with that person and spend the rest of your life with them, but for us it also means that we accept that every person who would ever want to kill you will also try to kill me too. I didn't want to have a wedding or anything, but then Haleigh found a way to tell my sister and brothers. Now I have to plan a wedding while Haleigh and Emily were either trying to help or take control of everything. We ended up inviting around twenty people and had four people in the wedding my maid of honor and Sister Gabrielle and my brides maid Chloe, and Hunter picked Nick as his best man and Justin for his grooms man.

My dress was an ivory dress with a sweetheart neckline and bejeweled belt. It came just below my knees in the front and came to my ankles in the back. Our Emily and Haleigh appointed color scheme was lavender and white or grey depending on what mood they were in. Brey helped us with the paperwork, making sure everything was done correctly, and completed as quickly as possible even when she had to help certain people get things done faster. Then there was the bachelor and bachelorette parties Nick and Justin sort of kidnapped Hunter at around ten and brought him back around noon the next day. While Brey, Chloe, and Gabby made me wiling get in to a car blindfolded then we drove for a while, and they made me go up some stairs I think. Then they finally took of the blindfold and I was a plane with the three of them plus Haleigh and about eight or nine male "dancers." Everything was awesome form what I remember since post tequila bottle number four is a fun looking blur. We came back from Mexico two days later three days before the wedding and so far, everything was perfect.

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