Steps foward

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His house was huge.

Percy knew that this Poseidon guy had a shit load of money, but still.

It was a little much to take in.

Ever since Percy left the mental prison of Gabe's apartment he had been struggling to keep things under control.

His depression.
His anxiety.
His cutting.
His own thoughts.

But being here. With his father that wasn't his dad, With his case worker who doubled as his cousin, with his tattered cloths and messy hair, with his healing black eye and scars. He didn't think he could do it.

He wanted to turn around.

To get back in that car, to drive back to the air port, to fly back to New York, to take the subway back to Queens, to walk back up the stairs to Gabe's apartment, to get Gabe a beer then go sit with his mom and talk about everything, to say everything she wanted to hear.

Like "I love you"
Like "don't worry about the bills I can always get another job"
Like "no, the bruises are just from that skateboarding accident I told you about"
Like "yes I've stopped smoking"
Like "he hasn't touched me since the last time, I promise"

And it wouldn't matter that only the 1st two things he said were true or that she was high at the time. All that would matter is that Percy was with his mom and Gabe wasn't hurting them and that they were home, because home is where the people you love are.

And currently percy did have a home.

And Percy couldn't turn around.

He couldn't go back to those days.

Because his mom was dead. And Gabe was arrested. And the apartment is still closed off as a crime scene. And Percy didn't have any money. And time travel hadn't been invented yet.

And because Percy couldn't turn around he instead had to walked forward.

To a house that was too large and double doors encrusted with complicated designs.

To a biological father who didn't even know he existed till a week ago.

And to a new life that that percy knew would be shadowed by his old one.

Okay I know you all hate me rn cause I haven't updated in forever and I don't really have an excuse for that other than I'm a lazy shit. And I know the suspense is bad I know what your thinking "can't he just meet his dad already" and I'm really trying to get to that point but to be honest I don't even know how I want that to happen yet so.....

Anyway as always thx for reading 🖤and if you have any suggestions for future chapters and or want an update just leave a comment. (And I know I don't always answer those but literally a comment posted today is what made me update so.....

New beginnings (Percy Jackson abuse story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt