Chapter 11

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As instructed, Mr Ford picks me up at exactly eight, armed with my laptop and some manuscripts that I feel might have some potential to be developed further, I sit in the back of Mr Holt's black Audi Quattro which I saw amongst the many expensive-looking cars in the parking bay the first time I went to Mr Holt's 'apartment'.

"Ms Summers, if I may, I'd like to congratulate you on your engagement to Alexander today," Mr Ford suddenly says, glancing at me through the review mirror as he signals to turn. "Though I knew about Mr Holt's plans beforehand I apologise for not saying anything about them."

Running my hand on Danny's small back as he breathes in deep sleep, I smile softly, returning his gaze to the review mirror, "I understand, Mr Ford. I'm sure Mr Holt made you sign a non-disclosure agreement when you started working for him too."

His short laughter sounds a little uncomfortable as he turns into the garage of The Scala, parking at bay five, I vaguely hear him mumble lowly as he cuts the engine, "So he made you sign one too."

Before I can make a reply to his comment, the man is out of the driver's seat and by my door quicker than a rabbit running away from a fox, carrying my papers and handbag in his hand that isn't holding the sliding door, though it has been a little over three weeks since I've come to stay with Mr Holt, I still cannot get used to having someone waiting on my beck and call at all times.

It's a luxury that I never got in my early life though there was a hint of shared chores between my brothers and me after I was adopted but then again I ended up doing every household chore twice because my brothers could never do the job right the first time.

"Mr Ford I hate it when you carry my things for me," I sigh in low tones as we enter the elevator that is already waiting for us. "You are after all my elder and it should be only right that I carry my things."

Deep rumbles of humour ripple from him as we travel up to the 'apartment', he murmurs so as not to wake Danny, "If your passport didn't say you American, I would take you for a Chinese just by looking at your appearance and hearing that statement, Ms Summers."

The heavy steel doors slide open and I shake my head sardonically at Mr Ford thinking of how much he doesn't know, walking towards the living room, I freeze in my tracks when I see a sandy-haired woman beside Mr Holt as he converses with her in the middle of the living room, turning at the sound of my footsteps, she greets me with a full megawatt smile.

Impeccably attired in a camel-coloured fine knit sweater dress with matching shoes. She looks groomed, elegant, and beautiful, and inside I die inside a little, knowing I look such a mess.

"Mother, this is Janette Summers. Ms Summers, this is Gracelyn Sophia Holt."

"What a pleasure to meet you," she murmurs, holding her hand out momentarily to shake my hand before she retracts it just as fast when she sees that I am unable to return the handshake. If I'm not mistaken, there is wonder and maybe stunned relief in her voice and a warm glow in her hazel eyes as she looks at me from head to toe.

I can't help but smile, returning her warmth, I respond, "It's nice to meet you too Mrs Holt."

Flapping her hand in front of me, she laughs slightly, "Please call me Sophia, my husband calls me Grace and Mrs Holt is my mother-in-law. Alexander never even mentioned you a month ago and then I learned through the newspapers that he's already moved on with someone. So, how did the two of you meet?"

"Janette works for Lucifer King at Bloomsburg Publishing Incorporated."

Stating the obvious. Behind us, my cell phone starts to ring from inside my handbag that Mr Ford left on the table below the spiral stairs along with my papers. Now, who could that possibly be?

"Excuse me," I state sheepishly, passing Danny to Mr Holt, I wander over to the table, not checking the number, I mumble a soft 'hello' into the receiver.

"Oh my god! You picked up!" Olivia screeches from the other end of the line, causing me to wince. "Where have you been? I got back from my Dad's place two days ago and you're not here! I've been trying to call you since yesterday, all your stuff's gone and that includes your baby things. Were we robbed? Are you okay? Are you alive?!"

"Now's not a good time," I mumble as a distinct conversation continues behind me, glancing anxiously over my shoulder when I feel Mr Holt gazing intently at me, his face is impassive as he murmurs something to his mother. "I'll explain everything later."

Hanging up, I walk as nonchalantly as I can back into the living room.

"So, what happened to calling before dropping by?" I hear Mr Holt ask admittedly in low tones with a hint of irritation as he looks pointedly at his mother.

"And have Ford give me the runaround?" She replies in a light irritated rhetorical questioning way. " I'll take my chances. Anyways, I heard from your assistant that you've been absent from work for about two weeks so I just dropped by to check on you."

"Did he now?" Mr Holt murmurs, gazing at her, his expression unreadable.

'I thought we might have dinner together, but I can see you're presently occupied," she says as she gathers up her long cream coat and turns to him, offering him her cheek. He kisses her briefly, passing Danny to me. "Janette, it's been such a pleasure. I do hope we meet again."

She holds her hand out to me, her eyes glowing, and this time I can shake hands with her.

"I'm having the whole family over at my house for dinner next week," She says in passing as Mr Holt guides her towards the elevator with his hand gently pushing her along, Alexander's lips draw themselves into a thin irritated line. "Alexander's sister is back from Paris."

"We'll see, Mother," Alexander murmurs to her, pushing her a little quicker. "We are working adults with a child."

"Nice to meet you," I call after her as she disappears into the elevator Mr Ford just summoned, speaking of Mr Ford. Where did he go originally? Was he always standing there?

Just as the heavy metal doors of the elevator close, Grace flies a 'goodbye' kiss to Mr Holt to which he uncrosses one of his arms to wave 'goodbye' to her in response. Waking up from his nap, Danny yawns, leaning back to look at me with sleep-lidded grey eyes.

"Good morning, sunshine," I murmur, holding back an 'awww' as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. "You slept right through your grandmother's visit. Are you hungry?"

Striding in my general direction, Mr Holt orders sternly, "Ford, take Danny to the next room. Summers, my study. Now."

Scampering to follow his order, Danny lets out a loud wail as Mr Ford takes him away from me, bouncing Danny on his hip, trying to get him to calm down. I am about to go after Mr Ford but Mr Holt grips me by my bicep, dragging me towards his study.

Throwing me onto one of the two S-shaped black leather chairs opposite his desk, he pulls out a twenty-something paged manila file from one of his drawers which he throws onto his already paper-mixed table, causing some of the documents to float to the floor.

"This is a list of events and public appearances my assistant has drawn up that requires us both to attend," He starts, placing his palm on the closed cover of the file. "There is also a list of upcoming events my parents have organised."

The file is heavy in my hands once he slides it over to me, cracking open the top, I see multiple yellow post-it notes with advice beautifully written in rich blue ink. When offered wine, politely decline unless it is given by Mr Holt. Work your way inwards when using cutlery on a formal dining table.

" Holt if it's not too much," I mumble, glancing up from the memos, biting my lower lip as I try to phrase my request as respectfully as possible. "What was with the testosterone contest between my brothers and you this afternoon? I mean...they've acted similarly when I was a child but it was never that bad?"

Sitting down on his chair, he knits his fingers in front of him, pressing his knuckles briefly against his lips as if he's considering something before, he leans forward answering, "Your brothers. It just so happens that I know all of them. They work for my company."

I think my jaw just dislocated itself as I look at Mr Holt in utter shock.

You have got to be kidding me.

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