Chapter 13: Fiancé (Ren POV)

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Today, I'm going to meet my fiancé, Princess Liliane Mary Acton. She is the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Floria. I am to be engaged with her in hopes of establishing a stable relationship between the two countries for the people.

Honestly, I do not want to meet her. During the years of meeting various engagement partners with nobles from my and other kingdoms, I do not have a good image of nobility, even if I am a part of it.

My mother was a simple woman from a a low noble birth, and a famous shoemaker in the capital. She tried to run away from home multiple times when her father tried to force her into marriage with a higher noble family. She was a beautiful woman. Straight brown hair, and enchanting blue eyes. She was wanted by many nobles because of it. But, she already had someone in her heart. My father, who was a prince at the time, sneaked into her debutant ball as a noble, interested by this beauty everybody kept talking about. At the ball, they fell in love. Of course, with a low noble birth, she did not meet the prince before to recognize him.

It was truly like a Cinderella story. When my mother took over one of her father's jobs, she was called to the palace to make the newborn prince a pair of slippers. There, she met the king, my father. The two kept meeting, eventually falling deeper and deeper in love.

The first Queen had already passed at the first prince's birth, and when the king announced to wed to a low noble, there was an uproar. Still, the king ignored the outcries of the nobles and got married. Soon, they had me, a child of a lowly noble and a king of a kingdom. Mother was assassinated when I was 3, and the king fell into despair. It was later found out it was sent by an archduke's daughter, in jealousy of mother.

My elder brother never liked me, and I never liked him.

Father hates my identical eyes to mother, so he never looks me in the eye. The only redeeming trait I have left of my mother, he hates and despises. He no longer speaks to me, and pampers elder brother tremendously. 

I could not trust anyone.

Ridiculed and looked down upon, I will never succeed unless I do everything on my own. 

So when I see this grand castle surrounded in lush greenery, peaceful and calm, it churns my stomach. When I see family portraits of a happy family of three, my fists clench in frustration. And when I see a beautiful, lovely girl that is to be my fiancé, I almost want to get tricked. Her pink hair and her brown eyes look intelligent and profound, as if piercing into my soul. Tearing away the mask I put together, as if understanding what I had gone through.

Through the whole dinner, I could not help but glance at her.

I want to turn away, for she will only betray me like my father.

A/N: I didn't actually plan to make him like this type of character, but it turned out better like this, in my opinion.

Do you guys like Prince Ren's personality and story?

Oh yea, this is my first POV change, isn't it? Do you guys like it? I actually have a different scenario with Liliane one written already, but I want your feedback on how the POV feels like. Is it natural?



Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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