Chapter 45

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James told his driver to wait for him as he stepped out of the car, right out in front of Tiffany's.  Straightening his jacket he walked into the store, letting the door close behind him. 

He immediately turned to the first person that he saw. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. McGregor, I presume." The elderly man standing behind the counter said to him. 

"Good afternoon and yes," James replied. 

"Alright sir, I know that you're looking for a ring, but what kind of ring?" 

"I..." James started furrowing her brows. "I honestly don't know."

"Well, sir..." The man said turning around and walking over to a drawer. "Then I'll just show you some examples." He then put down a trey with all sorts of the different ring in front of James. 

"Paul, could you copy this for me?" Elizabeth said placing a stack of paper upon Paul's desk looking frantic. 

"Sure, are you, alright girl."

"I'm fine, just a little bit overworked that's all," Elizabeth said as she turned away again. "Now I just have one meeting left, have to bring those copies to Johanna and then I can finally go home."

"Good luck girl, I'll put them on your desk!"

"Thank you!"

Elizabeth walked over to the conference room and took a deep breath before opening the door. Truth be told, after that moment she didn't pay much attention to the meeting and mostly spent it staring out of the window. 

It wasn't until Oscar tapped her arm that she even noticed that the meeting was over. 

"God where are you with your head?" Oscar said smiling. 

"O god, sorry I am really tired." She replied gathering her papers. 

"I can imagine." Oscar said, walking out of the room. 

Elizabeth chuckled at that following him out of the room and towards their office. Once she reached her desk she noticed the copied stack of paper left by Paul. 

"Thank you Paul!" She yelled out loudly as she grabbed the stack and went over to Johanna.

It was only ten minutes later that Elizabeth reached her car and was on her way back home. Then twenty minutes later she reached her apartment. 

She then parked her car in the garage right as her phone buzzed. As she got out of her car she grabbed her bag and fished her phone out of it. Quickly she checked her texts and saw that Jame had sent her one. 

- Food is at my place :)

She chuckled as she sent a quick, 'I'm on my way!" Before putting her phone back in her bag and walking out of the garage. 

Without going up to her own apartment she walked out of the building and over to James his building. She greeted her doorman and quickly went up the elevator.

James on the other hand was adding the final details to the dinner. He had put on her favorite suit and set the table. At that very moment her was igniting the candles on the table when heard the elevator doors to his apartment open.

"James?" He heard her yell from the other room. 

"In here!" He yelled back, quickly putting away the lighter and straightening his suit. 

The Personal Assistant.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ