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                             finished THE CAT'S MAW?

Awesome! My deepest appreciation and respect <3

Thank you so much for reading, and for supporting the beginning of this epic journey for Billy, Shadow, Lynn, and the rest of Appleton's two and four-legged residents. I truly hope you savoured all the little moments, triumphs, and maybe even the scares.

That said? I won't apologize for the way it had to end. This was the plan from the beginning. But this is only the beginning...

There are four volumes remaining in The Shadowland Saga -- and I need YOUR help to keep going!

I'm about to start Book 2. It's outlined, the Prologue's written, and everything's ready to roll. But Book 1 -- The Cat's Maw -- needs to make its mark in the world to get more folks excited for what comes next.

So here are some ways that you amazing folks can help make it real:

BUY IT: -- the PRINT version -- complete with a new cover, more than 20 original illustrations, and an exclusive BOOK 2 sneak-peek - is available now on, and will be up in Europe later next week. Expect the Kindle, iBooks, and other E-versions before Hallowe'en =)) If the link does't work, just go to Amazon and search The Cat's Maw by Brooke Burgess

· REVIEW IT: if you really, really want to help Billy and his feline friends? Then write a gushing, heartfelt, and passionate review! You don't have to buy the book if you can't afford it. Just say some kind words on AMAZON, Goodreads, your blog or Tumblr, on Pinterest or on Facebook...heck, even here on Wattpad! Word of mouth is the single BEST way for people to discover things, and you were all the FIRST to discover this story. Spread the good word!

· REQUEST IT: Ask your local bookstore, library, or specialty shop to carry The Cat's Maw. It will appear on major distributor lists (Ingrams, etc) soon, and that's how stores find what to buy. The more you ask for it (ANYWHERE in the world), the faster folks can experience the story the way it was meant to be experienced. In their own hands...with original art...tucked safe in their own beds :)))

· 'FAN IT': Want to take things a step further? Then get involved! Why not make a fan page if you're inspired? Or create some original art? Or do your own audio recording! Wanna hold readings at your school or library, screen the trailer (PLEASE watch the trailer attached here, and to the Epilogue!), and have discussion groups? Go for it! Try to solve the mysteries of The Shadowland together...and maybe, just maybe you'll be rewarded for your efforts in the future. You know...when a contest or two arrives to test you.

And please don't be shy - if you have ANY questions or comments, feel free to send me a personal message here on WATTPAD, or through my site ( Also, I try to tweet, tumble, and make FB posts regularly, so here are the links to reach me there:

Again...profound thanks to friends old and new who have decided to join me on this special journey. I promise, if you continue on with me? We'll go to places wondrous, strange, exciting...and maybe even a little life-changing.

With love from the Shadowland,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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