Chapter 5 ~ Geh... I-It's a Capture Target!

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3 years old

After a lot of begging from me and using my technique number 2, upturned dewy eyes, mom finally yielded and gave permission for me to go with dad.

We are now standing in front of the front door, about to head out to the palace.

"Lisa, I'll do my best and come back quickly. I'm sorry..."

"It's fine, my dear. Lucas will keep me company today and I just hope you don't overwork yourself. Please take care of our precious Alterisa, okay? She's very energetic and smart, but no matter how bright she is and how much she say she wants to help, she's still our precious treasure so don't put too much pressure on her."

...Am I really that energetic?


Okay okay, yes I think I do run around much more than the normal noble children but this is me holding back you know?

"Of course love. I will do my best so we can eat dinner together."

"That sounds lovely, Al."

Dad hugged mom really tightly and started stroking her head.

Then when I thought they separated... he kissed her... and they got raunchy yet again! L-Lu-nii and I still here you know?!

I wanted to cover my eyes but due to being shocked from their deep kiss, I continued staring at them.

"M-My dear... Alterisa and Lucas are still here... And don't you need to go soon?"

"Hehe, you're right. Then I'll be off, my love."

"Have a safe trip, dear."

"Alex, I'm counting on you to help my husband and daughter as well okay?"

"Of course, ma'am. I shall assist them to the best of my ability."

"Thank you."

Dad then picked him up and carried me in one of his arms to the carriage with Alex in tow.

I waved at mom and Lu-nii as their figure got further and further until I couldn't see the anymore.


As we rode to the castle, I was having fun looking at the passing scenery from my dad's lap with sparkling eyes.

"Waah" and "Oooh" were the only things that came out of my mouth as I feel like regressing back to a child. I can hear dad chuckling at my demeanor but I didn't mind him. To my defense, I'm still technically a child so it's fine, hehe~

Okay, I can't help it! I lived most of my previous life in a city, so looking at this fantasy world is really awe inspiring.

But what made me wow-ed the most was when we arrive at the castle.

I-It's so freaking huuuuuge! I've never seen a castle even in my previous life, so this is the first time seeing a real castle.

It's so breathtaking. It's so big, white, grand and majestic. Really I have no words to describe how awe-inspiring this is.

A guard greeted dad with a deep bow, full of respect and a little... fear? Wow, dad's so different than he's at home. I got why he's called the Ice devil now...

We then proceeded to dad's office. Every time someone we saw someone, they would freeze and stared at me for a second with a blush on their faces. It was only until dad glared at them that they snapped out of it and bowed.

The Tomboy "Prince" Was Reincarnated as a Villainess in an Otome Game!Where stories live. Discover now