(14): Happy Birthday

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xoxo ;)


"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Betty. Happy birthday to you!" And then the happy girl, filled with people that don't even like her, excitedly blows her '19' candle. And then we all cheer as the music is turned back on full blast.

She booked out the entire club for tonight. I'm not surprised thought because her parents are very rich and would do anything to make their little princess happy.

"Hey, Bets, come blow on my dick like that" Some drunk frat guy hollers and the crowd laughs.


"What a fake bitch. I hope she has a very sad birthday" Kathrine mutters from next to me as she sips on her Margarita cocktail and I just giggle.

"It's wrong to speak ill of the birthday girl" I scold jokingly.

She rolls her eyes "Technically, her real birthday is only tomorrow. So I can say whatever I want"

Kat made sure to fill me in all about her date earlier today. She was so happy it made me happy too. She told me how delicious the food was at the restaurant they went to and how Nathan was such a gentleman the whole time. Then he took her on to the go kart place and asked her to be his girlfriend over the speakers and the people that were there were so happy for them.

It sounded so cute and romantic.

Speaking of... Noah is here too tonight and I've actually lost count of how many times we've made that awkward eye contact. I keep expecting him to at least come say hi to me but he clearly has better things to do.

"Stop thinking about him" Kat scolds. How the girl can see right through me, I'll never know "We came here to have fun, not to frown the whole night. Okay?"

I nod "You're right"

"Nothing new" She grins and I just roll my eyes at her "Do you want a cocktail?"

I shake my head "No, it's that time of the month. I've told you that alcohol messes with my cycle, right?"

It's true. The minute I drink alcohol during my cycle, it gets all messed up. Most of the time it'll go on for more than a week and I'd just rather not go through that. Sometimes my flow is heavy I'm having to change my you-know-what 5 times or more.

"Oh yeah, you have" She says remembering "So you're gonna stay sober the whole night? Damn girl"

It's not like I mind really.

"Ladies" Dee and Winnie cheerfully announce when they've finally come back, with wine glasses in their hands "Are you guys having a good time"

"Indeed" Kat answers for the both of us. Although, I really doubt I am.

The music is super loud so we're having to shout the whole time.

They guys are here too; Nick, Kyle and Nathan but I don't really know where they are at the moment because this place is pretty big. Nick made me promise to keep an eye on him but it's very hard to do that if he just disappears.

Kyle clearly didn't want to be here but I'm guessing his friends forced him to come. He looked so uncomfortable with the many bodies bumping into him and stuff; it was hilarious really.

I wonder how he manages to get with so many girls if he doesn't even like going out. I guess he's just that hot and irresistible apparently.

Girl, you know he is. That "apparently" was very unnecessary.

Shut it, conscience!

"Do you think we should go find the guys?" Dee asks and we all nod before doing just that. Having to push and squeeze past everyone is one of my least favorite things about a party.

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