Chapter 20: Falling For Him?

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I woke up to find myself in a clean button up shirt and a killer hedache.

When i looked at the window i noticed the sun was shinning bright causing my headche to worsen.

My back and my whole body ached.

As i went to sit up i was dragged back down by an arm wrapped protecivly arounf my waist.


I was terrified, i remembered some of last night. Andrews the reason i forget most of my past. when i glanced at my hand i gasped. tears filling my eyes, there was an engagement ring on my right hand.

"morning sleeping beauty."

my head slowly turned to see a shirtless andrew hovering over me. his hands on either side of my shoulders.

My mind went blank, i went to talk but no words come out.

There is only one thing i know to do.

"m-morning." i studdered.

He gave me a questionable look and gently wipped a tear that manged to escape my eye.

"are you okay?"

I knew he saw me nod when a smirk appeared on his lips.

"good, cant have my princess upset. its probably just stress from all the wedding planning."

My heart dropped into my stomcach.

wedding? I can't marry this monster. hes kidnapped, stalked and even murdered. this isnt right i need to find a way out.

"What time is it?"

"Its one in the afternoon. i guess we sleep in." he smiled and i did too but it was a forced smile.

"I'll be right back."

i went to get up but he grabbed both my wrists and pinned them to the bed a playful smirk was on his face.

"i dont think so."

Fear flooded my eyes.

"You can get up once i get a kiss."

I went to kiss his cheek but he turned so my lips met his.

He released my and i ran downstars. the kiss made me want to vomit. i cringed at the thought.

I heard him come downstairs and enter the kitchen.

His arms snaked around my waist md turned my around.

"We never did finish wht we started."

"you mean.. no, im not... no"

"You weren't saying no a few nights ago." he chukled.

Tears started pouring down my eyes.

We hes a montser and i...we..

I pushed him away and took a few steps back then darted to the bedroom and locked the door.

When i heard andrew banging on the door and telling me to open it i walked in the further corner of the roome and sank down to the floor.

I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms aound them.

"Clara open the door. now."

His voice was harsh, just like the night he took me, when he broke down my door and stole me from everything i love.

I looked up when i heard the sound of the the bargng open, he slowly walked over to me and kneeled in front of me.

"Did we r-really-"

"Yes. we did. why are you so upset. you didn't seem upset when we.." he trailed off.

"I'm sorry. the headaches probably made me forget some things. but I remember now. I was crying because I forgot and I didn't want to make you mad." I stuttered.

It was the only lie I could think of.

"I'm not mad. come here."

I hesitantly crawled over to him and he wrapped his arms around my tiny frame.

If I'm going to make him think I forgot and that we are in love I need to play the part, no matter what.

"Why don't we get some breakfast, yeah?"

I smiled and nodded. (let the acting begin)

We both sat at the table sharing a bowl is chopped apples.

"Maybe later we can finish what we started last night."

"Maybe.." I whispered.

"Okay," he dropped his fork making it crash against the glass bowl and making me jump, "what's wrong? you seem.... uh off today. Usually your all happy and now you're just... distant."

I looked up from the food and took hold of his hand and led him to the living room.

He sat on the couch and he pulled me into his lap.

One hand of his rested on my hip while the other on my thigh.

One hand of mine was wrapped around his back while the other rested on his chest.

I felt so small next to him.

I peered up at him through my lashes, giving my best innocent look.

"In sorry, I'm just worried about all the wedding details and everything is going to get messed up."

"Aww it's okay. don't worry I'm going to be with you every step if the way. I'm going to help plan this too."

The hand that was on my thigh was now on my cheek. his thumb rigging circles on my skin.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Stop apologizing baby girl."

I somehow managed to make a single tear fall down my cheek.

I heard him sigh and I rested my head against his chest.

Then I did something I never thought I would do.

I sat up and ran my fingers through his hair just as my lips made contact with his.

I felt one of his arms wrap around my the back of my knees and the other around my lower back.

I gaped and pulled away when I felt him stand up making my hold into him tighter.

He chuckled which vibrated against my side.

He carries me upstairs and laid me only the bed.

I actually wasn't acting at this moment.

I felt butterflies on my stomach and a sudden blush made it's way to my face.

For some reason, I forgot everything and his touch was somewhat intoxicating.

I think...I think I'm falling for Andrew.


*dramtic gasp*

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