59 - Mafia?

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Janvi pov

"Adi come here when you are free," Rahul called me.

"Within 15 minutes," said and end the call.

Janvi is preparing lunch for us in the kitchen. I changed into casual jeans and a black t-shirt and came down to my Jaan whose back is facing me.

"Jaan will be back at 2. You have your lunch" it said.

She turned to me stopping chopping vegetables, "I will wait. Come soon" she said giving me her beautiful smile which made me reflect on her action.

"Sure" I leIt from there.

I went to our penthouse which we both brought 2 years back. It's outside of the city where we both hang out and a very important place to have our business to do.

Rahul was standing at the door looking at his mobile. Hearing my car sound he kept his mobile in his pant pocket and gave me a curt nod and went inside. Parking the car I went to our library and pressed the switch at the back of the diary.

It opened revealing our gym room. Rahul came behind me with a bag in his hand.

Once we are inside the door closed we went down of the gym. It's a big room with only two lights but still, the whole place looks dark.

"One is on the way and others are here," Ishaan said giving a gun to me.

I nodded and sat on the chair in front of the 5 human creatures who call themselves men. Their hands are tied with rope and upside down. Blood drops fall from their hands, face, head but still have breathed.

They don't deserve to die.

Seeing them makes my blood boil. I don't know how many girls suffered because of them. How many families cried for their lust.

How my Jaan endured that night. I can't even think about the pain she went through that night.

Just even that thought gave shivers down my body. How many girls died because of these fuckers? They have to answer to each tear they shed in hell. But before going to that hell I waiting to show the demo of this living hell.

Soon the other one came with our bodyguards. He wore a great fear look like he saw a ghost. His face is pale seeing his pals hanging.

"Sir, please leave me" he begged, kneeling.

"Hang him" I ordered one of my men and they hang him upside down.

"Who are you? Which gang you belong" one asked.

I laughed aloud that echoed in the whole room.

"Do you think I amIa mafia or gangster?" I turned to Rahul, " Rahul do I look like a Mafia?" I asked smiling.

He shook his head no.

"But yes you look scary" he added.

That I am

I am controlling my rage which is building inside me.

"And the gentleman I am not a mafia nor a gangster. Just an ordinary human being with love, pain, anger, sadness, and revenge. I said pressing the word revenge.

"And here I am to take my revenge" I loIded the gun.

"How many crimes," I asked Rahul.

"Totally 34 for the past 8 years excluding Ja" I cut him showing my hand. I know what he is saying.

"And all are rape," Ishaan said clenching his jaws. He may be involved in mafia but he didn't do anything which causes peoples to suffer. Even he made stop these things.

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