Chapter Sixty-Six

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January 14th, 2020


    The second that blast flew me backwards into the opposite wall, and my face came crashing down to the floor. I realized something. Something I hadn't realized before in all my years of silence.

    My ear was pressed against the floor the only sound was the ringing in one ear and the pounding of my own heart. I stayed there, probably for nothing more than a second but a second was all I needed.

    As I listened to what was going around me, I felt the movement of the ground. The rattling of the stone tiles, the collapsing of the walls around me. Everything was in slow motion, I placed my hands on the side of my head getting ready to push myself up, when I started to listen to the earth. Which made me come to conclusion, as I listened to the earth shake and jolt, the earth was listening to me breathing, struggling, and surviving. Was the earth rooting for or against me? It was a question I would never get the answer too, but I had to keep going.

    I put and hand on my knee and lifted myself into a standing position. No book could teach you that you must carry on, even when everything hurt. Only life could do that. I looked back at my friends, my hair that was tied back into a French braid whipped around me like a rope.

    I saw them struggling to stand but moving, never the less. The way I was moving, it felt like I was having an out of body experience. I looked for my shield, the thing that took most of the impact, the reason I'm still alive. It was off to the side, the other side of the cracked door of the throne room.

    I slid across taking a peek inside, I saw men suited up in white armor, lining the sides of the throne room. I cringed at how many there were. I grabbed my shield and slid it across my forearm. Though I noticed that the shield that I once had and the one that I had now, were two very different shields.

    The last one had white and gold intricate designs that wrapped around a tree. The grey "steel" filling in the extra spots. Now it was black sprinkled with golden stars with a very familiar star in the middle, my brothers star.

    I thanked my lucky stars when I saw every one of the newly recruited and elves stood and dusted themselves off. I hid myself by the door. Xion who was helping someone up looked at me for an idea.

     "We are outnumbered, greatly." I stated to him, taking a glance at just the sliver of men that I could see through the cracked door. "There has to be a wizard in there," I pointed to the wreckage that was just caused. "Any suggestions to what we do?"

    He came over to me moving with pure stealth and placed a hand on my shoulder, "we," he pointed to the elves, "will get them," he pointed to the white knights. "You," he pointed to me, "get the wizard."

    "The second I open that door wider, we are going to get blasted again." I looked at our troops sure they were fine, but saying that didn't hurt was a plain lie. "I don't think they can survive another one of those." Truthfully I don't think I would survive absorbing another blast. My arm still tingled from the last impact.

    We sat in silence, we needed to hurry they were expecting us in there now. "I'll go in first," I couldn't think of anything. Then it hit me. "I'll go in first," I restated.

    Xion raised a brow, but I smiled weakly and it was my turn to pat him on the back. "After twenty seconds, join me."

    "Twenty? That's too long, you are going to be in there alone, that's a death trap." His brows furrowed together, "I'm not allowing you to do that. You're family."

   I flailed my arms, "the odds aren't good right now." I placed my hands on my hips.

    "What are you trying to pull?" He grabbed my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes.

    "It's going to be fine. I don't want to die any time soon, anyways." I looked to the troops who were looking us with worry. I gave them a smile, "alright, line up on this side of the door," I waved them over, and soon they all lined up single file. I was at the front and Xion moved to the back.

     "Fifteen seconds, you get fifteen seconds," Xion pointed a finger at me and I nodded. I took in a breath and squared my shoulders. In actuality my mind was in turmoil, if I was just one line out of place, I'm a goner.

    "Be strong. You are not alone." My fathers voice echoed in my head. I took another deep breath, raised my shield to my body and closed my eyes.

    Then I became nothing, and everything all at once. I snuck through the crack in the door and saw what was awaiting us in the throne room. My invisibility gave me time to look at Azai who looked as if he had truly gone mad, his hair a mess, nothing like the silk that I had once described it at the Elven Palace. His wife, her black hair and her brown eyes had a tinge of insanity that I had seen in myself once. That I see in myself today, though unlike her I keep mine on a tight leash.

    There were two clear wizards standing next to the King and Queen. I made a bee line for them, my sword in my hand. The first one had their head completely chopped off. The Queen shrieked in fear though I killed the second one in the following seconds.

    Then it was time to deal with the king and time for my friends to join me in the throne room. I slipped my blade in front of Azai's neck and pulled him towards me. The more I kill in the gap, the more the tingles of insanity bite at me. I left the gap, revealing myself and all the knights drew their blades and focused on me.

    Just then my friends rushed through the door, shooting down the close range fighter enemies. They tried to rush my friends and every time one of them got close, I held their mind still enough for my team to kill them.

    It was an unfair slaughter. But that didn't stop Xion from smiling widely as he approached Azai who still had a sword to his throat.

    "Hello, Azai," quiet fury lingered where Xion spoke, it sent chills down my spine. Though the most well known fact about Xion was that nobody messed with his family. And Azai did just that.

    Azai struggled in my grasp, but I just pushed the back of his knees and made him fall to the ground. Next to me the Queen looked at her fallen mate in horror. The archers were cocked back and loaded, ready to sink five arrows into the Queen if she dared move.

    Xion was now in front of me. "Killing you would be my greatest pleasure." I see now how Xion and Zaivinth got along so well. Their murder intent was frozen solid, but if put over a match... well they will make their enemies burn.

    Azai hissed, "you are fighting for the wrong side. You are mercilessly killing humans."

    I gripped his hair and pulled it back so he would look me in the eye. "We are in the wrong? You're telling me that burning human villages, slaughtering them like cattle, is better than protecting our own?" Bile rose in my mouth, I gripped his hair tighter and threw his head forward.

    "Well it's no matter, it's all over." He started laughing wildly. I looked up at Xion who had a grim look on his face. Azai's face rose and looked Xion in the eyes, I could see Azai's expression in Xion's eyes, pure insanity.

    "He's already here."

Sorrrrrry. I didn't mean to make you guys wait that long. I kinda wanted a short break but it went on for much too long!!

 I kinda wanted a short break but it went on for much too long!!

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ms-EIKtCM.gif Who's here?

What are they going to do to the Queen?

What is Zaivinth up too?

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