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636. People start believing in conspiracy theories when they have no control over what is happening.

637. Your subconscious mind knows better.
Ever wonder why our gut instincts are so strong and why things sometimes work out better when we follow it? That's because our subconscious mind often knows what's better for us much before our conscious mind understands it. This is why decisions based on intuition or instinct are often better than conscious and educated decisions.

638. Lazy people are happy people.
People who seem lazy are often satisfied with whatever they have as these individuals have an adequate mindset. Hence, they feel more fulfilled and happy with their choices. On the other hand, people who believe in getting the most out of every opportunity tend to be unsatisfied with life as they believe they could have done more.

639. We attribute outside forces for our own failures but blame others for their own misfortunes. When explaining behavior, we tend to attribute our own good fortune to internal factors and negative outcomes to external forces. When it comes to other people, however, we typically attribute their actions to internal characteristics. For example, if we get a bad grade on a paper, it's the teacher's fault; if a classmate gets a bad grade, it's because he didn't study hard enough. This tendency is known as the actor-observer bias.

640. We act defensive about certain ideas as we are uncertain about them ourselves.

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