Im new..

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'Go in' I tell myself over and over 'go in go in go in!' I finally pushed myself and slid the door open. Everyone stared at and traced my every step to the teacher that I now stood next to "Why hello, please introduce yourself" my hands started sweating and I bit my lip nervously"h-hello im itsuki koudaio...nice to m-meet you" I choked out quietly without looking at the class thats staring holes in my face "Welcome Itsuki please take a seat next to hideki, hideki raise your hand" I looked around and found my seat in front of him and bowed lightly.

I took a seat and looked around wondering when class will continue and as if on cue the teacher started talking "He's new, please treat him well" she glanced at me and smiled "Thats a HE?!!" a girl blurted out and got up and stared at me 'too close for comfort' "u-um.." as I was about to answer her the teacher interrupted "Otami take a seat" she then turned around and walked back and the teacher continued her lesson

-30 min later-


I got up and gathered my things and got up as I turned around I was startled to see that girl again she was so close to my face just inches away from my nose "ur not a boy! Why is the teacher lying?!" she stood up (she's taller than him) and flung her hair around her shoulder like those cool girls do and crossed her arms standing in a sassy way "u-um well see I am a boy... " she looked wide eyed "prove it" as said as she smacked on her gum-when did she put that in her mouth? "H-how?" I blinked and stood there looking dumb. She gave me a mother look and suddenly grabbed my pants and looked inside "G-gah ah!?" a second later she looked dumbfounded "So you are a boy un? But that's crazy ur hair is so long and you look exactly like a girl!" I just stared quietly and blushed "well my name is Sam nice to meet you itsuki" she smiled and smacked my back making me stumble a bit "nice to meet you too"-"what?" she said as if she didn't hear me "Nice to meet you too! " I yelled/whispered

"Dammit were late oh well come to my house! "'--"What?!? When??"--"Skip and come with me! "I shook my head and begin heading to my next class..

Just in case you don't know thats them in the picture--Yes in the actual show the character I call itsuki is a girl but I decided to switch it up a bit so yeah..BuhBye! X3

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