Chapter Thirty-Eight

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On Thursday a lot of people stared, but nobody said anything, which I found quite surprising. It turns out Dylan was quite surprised too. But, of course, when we were sat at lunch, Cam had figured out why.

"You're Alec Brooke."

Our group was sat round one of the round tables in the lunch all, and we all stopped what we were doing and looked at Cam. He carried on eating his food, no indication whatsoever that he was going to expand on that statement.

Sam looked at me and shrugged.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

Cam looked at me in confusion, as if he didn't think he had to explain. He looked around the table and realised that everyone else was wait for him to expand on that statement as well. He quickly swallowed his food and wiped his hands.

"Dude, you are captain of the football team, one the most liked and respected guys in school, not to mention you have all of us as friends. If anyone was to say something they know they would get their ass kick, either by you or us."

Everyone nodded in agreement and went back to eating their food.

"You guys seriously believe that?"

Sam was the one who answered.

"Alec, face it. You'll probably hear a few gay jokes here and there, and someone might mutter something in the hall, but I wouldn't worry about it. I know in movies you see the gay guy being beat up by the football team and all that, but that won't happen."

"Yeah," added Matt. "You're one of our best players. If we kicked you off the team coach would kill us and we'd probably end up sucking ass."

"Touchy subject," muttered Mitch. Dylan elbowed him in the ribs.

"Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that people like you too much to hate you," said Cam. "And everyone probably won't bother Dylan cause the guy looks like he could beat the shit out of anyone as well."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," said Dylan and I couldn't help but smile.

"However," carried on Cam. What now? "Kelly hasn't been at school the past few days, so I think you can expect her to be one of the every few people who might say something to you."

For once, Cam was actually right.


On Friday at the end of the day I made my way along to the art department to meet Dylan. We both had double history last, but he said he was skipping it to continue with one of his art pieces he had been working on.

I was nearly at the art classroom when I heard the voice of the one person I was hoping to avoid for the rest of my life.

"Alec Brooke you have some explaining to do!"

Kill me now.

I sighed and turned around as Kelly made her way down the hall. From the look on her face I guess she had hear the news.

"Hey Kelly! You look lovely today-"

"Don't start that shit with me! You're gay?"

"I have a boyfriend, yes."

"What- I don't get it!"

The only way to describe the look on her face was pissed off confusion.

"I have a boyfriend. His name is Dylan."

"That's not what I mean. I mean- you can't be gay! We had sex!"

"Well, maybe I'm bisexual or something?"

She didn't seem to be listening to me at all. She looked like she was going to start shouting at me again but then her expression turned to a look of horror.

"Did I turn you gay?"

"Did you-? What? No. No you didn't not turn me gay!"

"I didn't think so. I mean, come on, there's no way I could turn someone gay."

I dated this girl. She is one of the best girlfriends I've had, and that says a lot about all the other girls.

I sighed in defeat and realised that this conversation was pointless.

"Kelly, look-"

"I don't believe you."


She crossed her arms over her chest and looked me in the eye. "I don't believe you. I know that Savannah has basically been begging you to sleep with her, so you probably just said it to get her off your back."


Was she really saying this?

Right then Dylan decided to come out of the classroom and slowly began to make his way towards us, trying to figure out what was going on. Kelly chose to ignore him and continued talking.

"I know you Alec Brooke, and there is no way you could be gay. Absolutely no way in- what the fuck?"

There was nothing I could say to make her believe me. There really wasn't. So what did I do, you ask? Well, I dedided to do something that I never thought I would have the balls to do, and Cam would probably agree with me on that one.

I ignored Kelly and walked right past her towards Dylan, who was looking very amused. But that amusement soon turned to shock when I took his face between my hands and kissed him.

Okay, so maybe I got a little carried away and let out my inner drama-queen or whatever, but I think it got the point across to Kelly.

Dylan, realising what I was doing and enjoying it every much, kissed me back. I had to pull away, remembering that we were stood in the school corridor and that my ex girlfriend was becoming very angry.

Kelly decided to shove me with both hands on her way past, which only resulted in pushing me closer to Dylan.

"I can't believe you would date me if you were gay!" she yelled as she made her way down the hall.

I resisted the urge to shout back that I wasn't gay at the time, and Dylan stole the moment by bursting out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, stepping away from him and checking that nobody else was around.

"You. You just never seize to surprise me that's all."

"Well then... you're welcome?"

Dylan laughed again and took my hand in his as we made our way out of the school.

"So," he asked, trying to sound serious. "Are these public displays of affection going to be a regular thing."

Oh great. Now I've done it.

"Because," he carried on, "I'd rather be more prepared. I could have made it way more dramatic and swooped you up into my arms-"

"Shut up."

"- or pushed you up against the wall-"

"I hate you."

"Hey, you started it, not me."

I stopped just before the school entrance.

"You going to keep going on?"

"Nope." I didn't believe him.

We made our way down to where our friends were all standing and Dylan spoke before I had the chance to.

"Did you know Alec has a huge fetish for personal displays of affection?"

I was seriously going to get him back for this.

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