Chapter 7 - Tea Party

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"Your Majesty." Felix Robane entered the office of the sovereign of the Empire. "The preparations for Princess Jeanette are complete; she can come starting from tomorrow."

When Claude learned of Jeanette's existence, his feelings towards her were at first mixed. He really didn't know what to think or what to do with her and didn't even want to bother trying. But not wanting the discussion with Roger to drag on, he quickly asked that she be placed in the Emerald Palace, a palace known to have housed Princesses for generations.

In fact, he had left a few days for the girl's belongings to be moved and it took longer than Claude could have imagined.

"Fine." He then fell in total silence before going back to his papers, without even paying attention to Felix, who remained standing in front of his desk.

"Your Majesty." Claude raised his head anxiously to the guard when he heard the tone of his voice. It wasn't threatening, but... one could feel reproach and disappointment. "I learned that Princess Athanasia was planning a tea party. Perhaps you could-"

"Felix." Claude's cold voice cut short his speech. "I don't want to hear about that thing."

"B-But Your Majesty...!" Felix tried to convince him to give the Princess a little present. It may not have been much, but for someone like Claude, who had neglected his daughter for 14 years, it could have been a real leap forward.

"Didn't I make myself clear?" Unfortunately, it seems that the man in front of him really had no intention of taking the first step with her. "If you have nothing more to say, you can leave."

"Blessing and Glory upon the Obelian Empire." And Felix walked out of the room.

Claude took a piece of paper from the edge of the desk and read its contents. After the debutante, he had done some research on Lucas. Nobody knew why, not even himself. But it was as if the curiosity about who could be with that thing was stronger than he was. Unfortunately, he had found absolutely nothing, as if he had never existed. Of course, there were things like the fact that he was a wizard of the Black Tower and that he must have been between 14 and 15 years old in appearance, but that was all he had found. And it was irritating.

"Who the hell are you?" He took a deep breath and crumpled the paper with his hand. He then tossed it in the bin and focused again on his original work. 'I don't give a fuck anyway.' And Claude didn't leave his desk all day.

. . .

"You're beautiful, Princess!" Lilian clapped her hands as she made the final touches in Athanasia.

Yes, today was going to be the first tea party of her two lives. She never had the opportunity to organize such an event before, but now she had the chance to expand her relations a little more with the girls who were coming. And she could tell she was more than excited.

"Thank you, Lily! It's all thanks to all of you." She was referring mostly to Hannah and Cesilia who had helped her a lot.

"You're very kind, Princess. Shouldn't we go? You should go and welcome the guests." Athanasia stood up, dropping the pants of her beautiful white dress topped with several little red bows all over it. She was also wearing an extravagant pearl necklace that she would never normally have been able to afford. So how did she get all this?


A few days after the debutante, Lucas came by to see Athanasia and they talked about everything and nothing for a very long time. But Lucas soon had doubts about the money Athanasia and the Ruby Palace were receiving when he saw that most of her clothes weren't what a princess would normally wear. So he asked to see her dressing and saw only plain dresses without patterns. He sighed desperately and then snapped his fingers, making these dresses disappear, which he found disastrous.

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