Chapter 20

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Alana's POV:

It's almost time for our final exams before we graduate. Besides from studying with me and climbing into bed next to me late at night we barely see each other.

I have no idea what keeps him this busy everyday, every time I ask him, he just gives some excuse I know is not true. Even Mila said Zander has been away a lot lately, doing something for Eli, but she doesn't know what either.

It's starting to make me worried, but every one keeps telling me to relax, and that everything will work out perfectly. I'm pretty sure my parents and his knows what is going on, but they won't tell me.

He tries not to treat me any differently, he brings me flowers cuddles with me, and talk to me about everything except what he is doing all day. But I can tell he is hiding something from me, something big.

So I decided I'm going to do what any rational teenage girl would do, I'm going to figure out what is going on!

It is weekend which means he is gone before I wake up and won't return until late when I'm already asleep. So I have all the time in the world to satisfy my curiosity. Yes, that is it definitely not snooping or spying just satisfying my curiosity.

So after lunch I go outside and follow his scent, it is not very hard to find his scent because firstly it is very familiar to me and hard to miss and secondly it is obvious he has been here a lot his scent is all over the place with a few other wolves, I don't even recognize all of the scents.

I was somewhere in the woods still following the scent when I heard something behind me for a second, I stood frozen thinking someone caught me. Then someone I don't recognize come out of nowhere, I start kicking and screaming, but it is no help he covers my face with something and I feel my eyes get heavy before I pass out.

A rogue

When I wake up, it takes me a few seconds to remember what happened. I don't know how long I was passed out or where I am, but my wrists hurts, being bound by wolfsbane covered ropes, burning my skin. My head hurts, probably from what ever he drugged me with.

Being in the dark room, it is hard to tell the time, does anyone know I'm kidnapped? What time is it? I don't know how long I'm alone in the dark room before the guy enter the room.

He looks so scary. He has a long scar running down his face, he is covered in tattoos. His eyes look so cold, like he has no emotions.

"Well, well, well. I have to say, you made this so easy for me. Your still just a pathetic little girl. You ruined my life, and by the time I'm done with you your going to beg me to end your life."

I stare at him, how do you even reply to something like that. I won't let him break me. "Who do you think you are? I don't know you, how did I ruin your life? They're going to find me and then you're going to be sorry." I say through clenched teeth, slightly terrified but mostly angry.

"Aw dear, how could you forget your father" he says in a mocking tone while my heart beat speeds up. Then he kicks me in the face, effectively knocking me out again.

Elijah's POV:

I've been so busy lately, exams are coming up, I have some alpha duties and then I am planning this big surprise for my angel.

I feel so guilty for not being able to spend as much time with her as usually, and having to lie to her about what I do everyday.

I know it is bothering her, but I'm almost done. Her parents, my parents, basically anyone who can keep a secret knows about what I'm doing. And everyone is willing to help me.

If everything goes as planned her surprise will be done by the time our exams begin. So that is where I am today, working on her surprise again.

Zander and a few other pack members are helping me, when I suddenly feel dizzy. "Hey man, you okay? You don't look so good." Zander says holding my arm to keep me from falling.

It didn't even last for ten seconds and I'm better that is so weird. 'Hey baby, are you okay?' I say through mind link. My parents once told me that after a couple is fully mated they can feel everything the other is feeling. Lana an I aren't fully mated, but we have an unusual strong bond and I am certain that dizzy wave did not come from me.

My mind link is not going through to her. I look up at Zander, who is still looking at me carefully "Something is wrong with Alana" I say while pushing him away to start running home with him close behind me. He knows it must be serious because I never call her by her full name.

When we get to her house, she's not there. A quickly go to my house, but she's not there either.

I mind link my parents and her parents, ready to pass out from the stress, how can she just be gone? It feels like my heart is going to explode in my chest and I can't breathe.

I didn't even realize the tears coming down my eyes until my dad pulled me into a hug "We'll find her son, you have to calm down, you can't help her in the state your in. We have trackers looking for her, we're going to find her." He whispered the last part like he is convincing himself.

We have to find her. She is my everything.

"Alpha, we tracked her scent. She's been kidnapped." one of the trackers tells my dad and it feels like the wind got knocked out of me.

She's been kidnapped.


Young Alpha, Little MateWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu