Chapter twenty-five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Seth paced around the clearing in the forest; he glanced over at the lifeless body of April, wondering whether he was making the right decision. He had never been so torn over anything before, he wanted to punish her so badly, but something was screaming at him in his mind that it was a bad decision.

“Oh you little bitch, why did you have to open that gateway?” He cursed.

He lifted her up from the ground and sighed, “Do I kill you, or do I turn you?”

He shook his head, it wasn’t as though she could answer him, it was something he had to decide on his own, but he couldn’t take her back to Celina’s. He couldn’t have them knowing what it was he had done. With that thought, he threw her over his shoulder and walked through the forest until he got to her cottage.

He pushed the door open and dropped her on the sofa, he could hear a noise coming from her bedroom so he opened the door, and was shocked by what he saw. There were demons everywhere, they had been released from hell but not woken. Slowly he walked away from the room that was full of the sleeping demons and crept back into the living room.

“Shit,” he hissed, when he knocked a table next to the door, he failed to grab the vase as it crashed to the floor shattering. The noise echoed around her tiny cottage, he waited anxiously and as he suspected growls erupted from the bedroom.

The demons were nowhere near full strength, but there were at least six of them in that room, and as strong as he was he doubted he would be able to take them. He had no choice though as the bedroom door flew off its hinges and hit the wall with a thud. Seth stayed where he was waiting for them to come. One by one they came from the room; they were the ugliest things he had ever laid eyes on. Unlike Ipes they had come straight from hell and hadn’t encountered any humans yet, which meant they were in their natural form.

He looked at them in disgust, knowing exactly why they possessed humans. Their skin was a sickly grey, with black eyes that were sunk into their shrivelled faces and red lips that hid a sharp set of teeth and a thick black tongue that held enough poison to kill a human. There was no way they would be able to walk amongst humans the way he could.

One of them ran at him, they were inexperienced he had expected them to move quickly, but they were slow and sluggish. He ripped the first one’s head off and threw it over his shoulder. This seemed to anger the others; he watched in bemusement as they went into frenzy and started to froth at the mouth. It was times like this he wished Marcus were around; he knew everything there was to know about demons. He was puzzled as they stopped and all of them knelt down in front of them, bowing their heads.

“What is this?” he asked, it was more of a question to himself he couldn’t understand what they were doing.

It was then that he realised he wasn’t alone; he turned around slowly, standing so that he could still see the demons that were kneeling down. Ipes was leaning against the doorframe, he cast his eyes over the room, first he looked at April and frowned then when he saw the head of the demon at his feet he growled.

“Find the girl,” he told them, “Bring her to me unharmed and kill anyone that gets in your way!” he commanded.

They all stood and nodded at the same time, Seth was not going to let them leave he knew exactly where Ipes was sending them and there was no way he was going to let them get their filthy hands on Paige.

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