Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

They had been stuck inside the church for days and Paige was fed up. She was worried sick over Seth, Marcus had reassured her that he would be there soon but everyday that passed only made her feel worse.

Marcus was lying down when he saw Paige walking towards the doors of the church, “Where do you think you’re going?”

She knew she wasn’t going to get past him unnoticed so she huffed and turned around, “Can I get some fresh air?” she asked with a smile.

Marcus nodded and stood up, but Paige raised her hand to stop him, “Alone,” she told him.

He wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, but he let her anyway. He felt sorry for her, Celina had her children and they had her, and he had himself he didn’t bother over Seth he never had, but she had no one, it wasn't that he wasn’t there for her, but Seth was the one she wanted.

“Five minutes no longer, okay?” he ordered.

Paige nodded, thankful that he was going to let her go alone. She opened the doors, stepped out into the cool night air, and sighed. She closed the doors behind her and walked towards a bench that was in a secluded area, it looked peaceful; it looked like a good place for her to gather her thoughts.

She sat back and relaxed on the bench, closing her eyes and letting the breeze blow across her face. She sighed knowing that Marcus would be out looking for her so she stood up, ready to go back inside. She took a step forward but someone grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth with their cold hand. She tried with all of her might to wriggle free but it was no use, whoever it was wasn’t letting her go.

She tried to scream, but she was helpless and as she was dragged away, she started to panic more. She couldn't understand why Marcus hadn't come to find her; he had only given her five minutes.

“Are you stupid?”

The hand that was around her mouth let go and she turned around slowly, “What the hell are you doing?” she screamed.

Seth narrowed his eyes at her, “Me? You’re the one that is walking around alone!”

He walked towards her slowly, every step he took she took one back, until her back hit a tree. Seth smirked at her, “It looks like you’re trapped.”

Paige rolled her eyes at him, she wasn’t scared of him anymore, and so if that was what he was hoping for then he was in for a surprise. Feeling bold, she took a step forward so that their faces were nearly touching; she leaned forward and kissed him. He responded pushing her back into the tree and lifting her up, he kissed her neck slowly, her whole body felt as though it was on fire. Everywhere he touched, everywhere he kissed made her desire for him burn.

She sighed as he trailed kisses from her neck to her jaw. His tongue slid past her lips and when their tongues touched the passion between them exploded. She tangled her hands into his hair tugging gently as his kiss destroyed every last bit of her resolve. She had been so worried and had told herself that when he turned up, she was going to rip shreds off him, but now that he was back and was kissing her the way he was, she was just as helpless as she had been when he had dragged her away.

Seth ended the kiss and rested his head against hers, breathing deeply. When he had seen her sitting there on that bench, he was furious, furious that she was alone. He wanted to scare her, it served her right for thinking she was safe, she was foolish but he couldn’t even start a fight with her. The way she had stood there pouting at him, her soft lips were so kissable that he couldn’t resist her when she kissed him. It wasn’t something she had done before. It was always been him that made the first move.

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