The Shadows Of Yesterday {24}

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"-so I'm trying to tell him that, no, actually, my girlfriend could definitely beat his ass without breaking a sweat," Seth was saying.

I'd only zoned back into his story because he'd slammed a fist on the table for emphasis. Emphasis, or to get my attention. Jackass always knew when I was too zoned to hear him.

"And I could," Brynn said, sipping her drink. "Would, too. Little crybaby bitch boys like that piss me off."

"Sure, sure, feminism, hoorah," Seth said, patting her shoulder. She punched his arm and he grunted. "Alright, alright, go beat his ass for making fun of the boys' volleyball team, babe. I'll film it. We'll play it at the wedding. I'll buy a projector to play it on our joint graves so we always celebrate the moment."

"I hate you," she informed him.

"No one can hate this charm," Seth said, pushing that charm into a smile.

"Try me," Brynn said, expression dry.

Seth heaved a sigh. "Anyone know a good relationship counselor? Asking for a friend."

Vin checked the time. "Good luck with that, but I've got to go meet my group at the library for a project."

He got up and nodded a goodbye to Seth before hurrying off with his bag. Seth leaned back in his chair.

"Ice cream?" he offered to the two of us. "I feel like getting off campus."

I fidgeted a little. Seth's eyes locked on my hands, gaze sharpening.

"Share with the class," he said.

"I'm, uh, going drinking with my- with Arlo's friends," I said. "Not anything crazy or heavy. Dorm drinking. Just for a little."

"Jeremy, we talked about this," he said.

"I know, but it's not just him. It's all of them. You met them," I said. "I won't drink a lot."

Seth opened his mouth, but Brynn laid a hand on his arm. "Good, if he's going, that means you and I can go get ice cream."

Seth shot her a look. "But he-"

"Is a big boy and can go drink if he feels like it," she said dismissively.

"I- Fine," Seth said, but he didn't look happy about it. "But we're staying on campus."

"Why?" Brynn said. "You just said you wanted to get off campus."

"Because he'll be drinking! I don't trust that guy's intentions with him." Seth turned back to me, meeting my eyes. "You call me. You call me the second you feel uncomfortable and I'll come get you. Got it? You drink too much, you call me. I'll walk you home. I don't want him walking you home."

"Okay," I said with a slow nod. He was just looking out for me; he always was. "Thanks, Seth."

He relaxed, just the slightest. "Of course. I've always got your back, Jer." 

"Well, I'm not spending my night waiting for Jeremy to get wasted. Come on," Brynn said, getting up and grabbing Seth's hand. "We can at least go for a walk together, Seth."

"Call me," Seth reminded firmly before allowing Brynn to drag him away.

I sat there for a long time after they left, debating if I was doing the right thing. I kept thinking of how exhausted Seth had looked yesterday. I was stressing him out. Would this only make it worse?

Finally, I stood up and dumped my tray, tossing it in a dirty pile of them. If I backed out now, I'd just be intruding on Seth's time with Brynn. I had no idea when they'd return to the dorm, so I might as well go drink a little with Arlo and his friends.

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