The Shadows Of Yesterday {25}

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"Eat something," Seth ordered, pushing food to me.

"I'm not hungry," I said, rubbing my temples. I'd stopped myself in time last night to dodge a true hangover, but I still had a headache and my stomach was letting me know I was on thin ice with my food choices today.

"Dry toast," Seth said. "If I get you some, you're going to eat it?"

"Yea, fine, just get off my back about it," I groaned.

Seth got up from the table and left to grab me food. I breathed a sigh of relief that I'd get at least a few minutes free of his nagging.

I knew he was just worried about me after misinterpreting that scene between me and Arlo. But his overbearing nature sometimes bypassed endearing straight into overwhelming. 

"Sheesh, is he your mother?" Vin said. "I've never seen him so fussy."

"Seth is notorious for fussing episodes," Brynn said. "He does the same thing to me if I get too drunk when we're out."

"He forgets I can take care of myself. I wasn't even that drunk," I said, pushing my hair back and taking a few swallows of water from the glass Seth had shoved in front of me.

"I don't know, you seem like a lightweight," Vin said.

"Coming from you," I grumbled. "If you don't like to drink, then you don't like to drink. But don't go calling me a lightweight when you're the cheapest date here."

"Someone's pissy," Brynn said.

"Thank you for finally realizing that. I'd appreciate being left alone now," I informed them.


Oh for the love of god.

"Hi," I said, glancing over my shoulder at Harley.

"He's pissy," Brynn told her.

"Well, we were up late last night and drank a little more than we probably should've," Harley said. "I just saw you over here and figured I'd come see how you were feeling this morning."

"Fine. Tired, is all," I said.

"Here," Seth said, coming up to me and setting down a plate of dry toast and a glass of Ginger Ale. He noticed Harley and smiled. "Came to check on him? He's always moody after a night of drinking."

"Well, you seemed like you had fun last night," Harley said.

I smiled, but felt it slip off my face at the memory of Arlo and Seth arguing. Seth would never forgive Arlo for that. He'd thought Arlo was taking advantage of me, and he'd never be able to wipe the thought from his head now that it was there.

"I did," I said. "Going to have that damn song stuck in my head forever, though."

"What song?" Seth asked.

Harley winked at me. "You had to be there."

I smiled a little again. But then I saw Seth's furrowed brow and turned my head away so he wouldn't see. He didn't like to be left out of my inside jokes.

"Jeremy, do you want to come to the library with me and Chief? We're opting for a quiet day. And also avoiding Brooks, who is in considerably worse shape than you," she said.

I glanced at Seth, opening my mouth to turn her down. Before I got the chance, Brynn surprised me by speaking.

"He'll go with you," she said. Seth shot her a glare, but she ignored it. "It gets him out of our hair. We're going to the science labs, and Jeremy always hates going."

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