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Earlier that day...

It's been a day since we brought the girl home, yet she still hasn't woken up.

Her identity is still a mystery to us even though we've checked hospital records, old news reports, really anything our people could get their hands on.
I've even sent men back to the nearby towns of the Russian estate to ask around.

Nothing. Nothing at all.

My sons have been amazing with the whole situation. For ruthless mafia men, I'd say they've gone soft for the little one. I can tell everyone loves her already.

I know my wife and I aren't the only ones who've wanted a girl in the family. But after Roman, she just couldn't conceive anymore.
I think when my sons found the girl, she sparked a protective instinct in them, and the morals we raised them with kicked in strong.

My family owns hotels, restaurants, hospitals, casinos, and clubs all over the country and are among the biggest investors in many of the top companies worldwide. We also own a company that develops technology and arms for the government and military. It helps us in keeping government agencies off our backs and occasionally turning a blind eye. That might be unfair but business is business, can't really change that.

My sons and I are at one of our office buildings in Manhattan. Even my youngest helps out, it's good practice and exposure to the more legal side of our lives.
For being teenagers (besides Alessandro) they are strangely invested in working. When I say that I'm talking about the illegal side of things. It is definitely more fun so I can't blame them. It is a shame when they'd rather hunt some random debtor down than attend family dinners. I have a feeling this girl may change that.

Usually, I'm always so focused on work, but all day I've been thinking about my daughter.
I truthfully couldn't care less that I technically haven't even met her yet. But I care for her like my own already and I know Bianca and my boys feel the same.
We stick together and help our own. She's been alone all this time, did we really have a choice anyway? She needed us and they knew it.

Bianca has been keeping us updated all day; our girl still hasn't shown any signs of waking up.

I'm not being productive at all so I decide to head home.

I enter the penthouse and see my wife making dinner. The baby monitor is near the stove so she can see how the girl is doing.

I begin to walk towards my bedroom when I begin to hear heavy breathing and shuffling.

She's awake.

I rush into the room, and there she is, awake.

I stare into her big doe eyes. They sparkle a beautiful blue. Even the bluest skies and the clearest oceans couldn't compare to what I found in them.

I'm kind of jealous, all we got were brown eyes.

I begin to approach the bed and her eyes never leave mine. She looks absolutely terrified.
I want to hug her and comfort her, but I know that this is all a very overwhelming experience.

Her previous home clearly wasn't a good one and now she's in a brand new place. I also know my appearance isn't exactly the most soothing thing to see in this situation. I'm not a small, soft looking man by any means, that's for sure.

I continue to approach the bed and I decide to reach out to move the hair that fell onto her face. Bianca likes those soothing, gentle gestures.

The girl flinched and I pull away quickly.

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