Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning and yawned. Why was my bed so rigid today? I moved my hand next to me and felt someone's chiseled chest. I felt around again, and received a groan from a very sleepy .. Mark. My head was rested on his chest. How did we get so drunk to let this happen?

Holy fucking shit. What the hell happened??!? This is totally unprofessional of me -- well it would be if he got the job. Who the hell am I kidding?!? He was definitely going to get the stupid job!

Moments later, Mark woke up as well, signaling my facade that I was fast asleep. What was he going to do? Was he going to get up and leave, like some douchebag? No. No, that's not the Mark that I know (... through his YouTube videos).

Silence. Some twitching. More silence. More twitching. Silence. Twitch. Silence.

"Uh (Y/N)?" he prodded. And prodded. And prodded.

"Mmm?" I muttered, finally giving in and waking up. God, I must look like a nightmare right now. I could feel my hangover set place on my forehead, and my hair. God, my hair was probably all over the place.

"Cayewtiemeh" he murmured quietly.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Can. You. Untie. Me. Please." He repeated, this time louder. His face was slowly turning into a shade of red.

And that's when I saw. His hands were bound with rope around the headboard. I remembered tying him up last night.. oh God!

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry," I panicked. How could I do this? I wasn't even into BDSM. Jesus, he must think I'm a female Christian Grey or something. This is so despicable of me. I untied him as fast as I could and sat back down, biting my lip.

"How- how did you sleep with your hands all tied up?" I asked timidly. Oh great, they left marks on him.

"I managed," he replied, smiling at me. Well, at least he wasn't angry at me for tying him up. That would've been bad.

We sat there awkwardly. I was probably frowning, but it was only because I still did not remember a single thing from last night except that I tied him up. I looked down. And my nightie was gone too, and I was in my bra and panties. The whole time?? Casually and hopefully without Mark noticing, I inched the blanket forward so that it would cover me.

"Would you, um, like to take a shower? I can make breakfast." I offered.

"Yeah, that'd be great," he answered, smiling at me yet again. He moved forward as fluently as an individual can on a bed, and placed his right arm around my waist, and leaned in for a kiss. Me, being the embarrassed fuck that I was at the moment, turned my head the other way. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and the tingles that traveled through my body due to the closeness of ours.

"See ya in a bit," he whispered and got up to take a shower.

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